Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.
House Animal
The Panther
The strong bite force of the panther grips tight and never lets go.
house Colour
The colour blue represents calmness, imagination, depth and stability.
House Symbol
The Mountain
The mountain symbolises endurance. The mountaineer endures the hardship of a difficult journey. With mental strength and a strong drive, they keep going until they reach their peak.
House hand signal
Mount Gritty
Interlock fingers, tighten to grip to form a triangle (like the shape of a mountain)
house Power
Stability, Creativity, Tenacity
House Tradition
Blue Mountain Dew Welcome Tradition
All Panthers are initiated into the House of Grit by drinking the Blue Mountain Dew. To symbolise their transformation, they must reveal their blue-stained tongues, signifying the flow of blue blood within them.
Student Leaders of House of Grit
Chong Shi Xun
House Leader
Ayeesha al abbas
House Leader
Pedada Ashrita
Assistant House Leader
Akshithi Morla
House Leader
Ayeesha Al Abbas
Assistant House Leader
Lim Ze Kai
House Leader
Ling Mabel
Assistant House Leader
David Kwan
House Leader
Tee Kai Yang
House Leader