HCS Superintendent's Newsletter

Newsletter for December 18, 2020

Upcoming Holidays and Events:

  • January 5- 1st Day Back for Students

  • January 7- Report Cards Issued

  • January 18- MLK Day

  • February 15-16- Winter Bk (Weather Days)

  • March 11- Report Cards Issued

  • March 29-April 2- Spring Break

  • April 30- Weather Day (Schools Closed)

  • May 17- Graduation

  • May 25- Student's Last Day

Congratulations to HCS Yearly Award Recipients!

Every student deserves to be taught by an accomplished teacher. National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education.

Hartselle City Schools would like to congratulate Shannon Hulse from F.E. Burleson and Jennifer Talbot from Hartselle High School on the completion of this accomplishment. These teachers join a distinguished group of educators- more than 3,088 in the state of Alabama!

FEB Students Raise Money

FEB's 4th-grade students raised $1,193 towards beds for the Sleep in Heavenly Peace organization, a charitable organization that builds and gives children beds. The bedding was also purchased. Sleep in Heavenly Peace provides a bed frame, mattress, pillows, and bedding to these children.

The Kindness Team at HJHS collected warm and cozy socks for the entire faculty. Seven of our Kindness Team Members toured the campus to deliver the gifts along with a special message for everyone. There were around 20 performances that brought smiles to all.

The AHSAA State Swim & Dive Meet was held at the Huntsville Aquatic Center on December 4th and 5th. Competing this year for the Hartselle High Swim and Dive team was senior diver Avery Balch who became the Class 6A-7A state diving champion for 2020. He bested the competition with a final diving score of 461.60, beating the state runner up by over 80 points. Congratulations to State champion Avery Balch.

HHS students recently competed in Alabama HOSA state qualifying events and will compete in the Alabama HOSA state competition in March! There were over 1,300 competitors in over 40 events in the qualifying round. We are very proud of them!

Behavioral Health: Nicholas Carmack

Cultural Diversity/Disparities in Healthcare: MacKenzie Davis, Erin Phillips, Logan Crouch

Epidemiology: Jett Johnson

Human Growth and Development: Maisie Waynick, Emma Ballew, Jadyn Chesser

Medical Law and Ethics: Mary Elizabeth Booth

Medical Math: Connor Clabough, Reid Ellis, Eliza Claire Balch, Sellers Brown

Medical Reading: Alexis Smith

Medical Terminology: Kennedy Sheats

Nursing Assisting: Abigail Wilson

Nutrition: Tyler Peek

Prepared Speaking: Turner Fentress, Sarah Taylor

HIS Agriscience students worked hard this week to finish up their Christmas woodworking projects. They had to measure, cut, and use power tools to create these beautiful trees for their families.

At Barkley Bridge, Kim Jared's 3rd & 4th created a United States Rubik's Cube Mosaic with 247 cubes for the You Can do the Cube competition. Please use the link (https://forms.gle/BAFkivwj7bVHLTd87 ) to vote for our Mosaic. Voting ends December 20th. Thanks!

See all of the work on the Facebook page:


Remember, if your child has had known exposure to someone with COVID-19, they should stay home. They should NOT attend any sporting events, extracurricular activities, or ANY activities outside of the home. This puts others at risk. Please be responsible.

Help Us Keep HCS Healthy!

Please help us by answering the following questions...

  • Has your child had any of the following symptoms in the last 10 days: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea

  • Has your child been tested for COVID-19 in the last 10 days (other than routine pre-op testing)?

  • Has your child tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days?

  • Has your child had exposure to someone with confirmed COVID-19 Or someone being tested for COVID-19? (students with household members who have a pending COVID test should NOT attend school)

If you answer yes to any of these questions, do not send your child to school and notify your school nurse immediately. It is very important that we know if your child has symptoms, is being tested, or has had exposure to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. In addition, if your child or anyone in your family has been tested, please notify your school nurse immediately.

Congratulations to the following students for being accepted into one of the Alabama All-State Choirs: Callie Arnold, Hensley Beatty, TJ Brown, Cecilia Duykers, Millie Evans, Connor Hughes, Andra Pleasant, Emily Roberts, and Lydia Snyder. Hartselle High School will be represented very well at the festival! This is quite an accomplishment for these students!

CES Spelling Bee Winners

Congratulations to Champion- Claire Evans and Runner Up- Griffin Eddy. Claire will represent Crestline at the Morgan County Spelling Bee in February.

Merry Christmas from HIS Band!

This year the Hartselle Intermediate School band recorded their Christmas Concert and shared the link for everyone to enjoy. They hope you enjoy the music that the young Hartselle band students have prepared!

Check out our HIS and HJHS Winter Choral Concert!

FEB's PTO helped students connect with Santa to Google Meet with him before Christmas! We appreciate all that our PTO does for our students!

The USDA Wavier offering free breakfast and lunch meals to all students has been extended until the end of the school year. This wavier was initially until December 31. Now, all students will qualify for free breakfast and lunch meals for the entire school year.

Congratulations to the HHS Band for a wonderful concert held on December 17, 2020.

Congratulations, to Kelvin Morris, for signing a National Letter of Intent with the Chattanooga Mocs! Way to go!