Valencia High School

Ms. Komen


Tutoring for Fall 2019:

  1. Everyday at lunch in my room with me and my student teacher.
  2. Mondays/Fridays at lunch in room 826 & Wednesdays at lunch in room 829 (Calculus students tutoring lower level students)
  3. Tuesdays/Thursdays in room 940 during 1st period (7am - 7:50am) with an Algebra teacher
  4. Click here for a list of private tutors

Tips to avoiding test anxiety:

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast. Everyday.
  2. Do your homework. Everyday. Waiting to the last minute never helped anybody.
  3. Master your exam reviews. They are a reflection of the exam.
  4. Ask questions. Ask questions. Ask questions.
  5. Put your phone down and focus on the assignment.
  6. One of the reasons students might "blank" when given an exam is because their anxiety takes over and their brain can't find the correct information. Try this on your next exam:
    • When your teacher hands you the exam, turn it over and don't look at it.
    • Close your eyes. Count backwards from 100, by 3s, i.e. 100, 97, 94, 91,...
    • Many students have claimed that by the time they reach the 80s or 70s, they are calm and focused. They claim they are able to treat the exam like it is just another worksheet.

Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist nor a doctor. A portion of my Masters Degree was learning how to help students avoid test anxiety. The statements above are my opinions based upon my own observations and research.