Welcome to the

Hanumant High School


Khel Mahakumbh

Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, and a vision. Games and sports have become an integral element of present day education. They teach them the qualities of discipline, sportsmanship, team spirit and leadership. They also enhance the physical and mental development of students. Our school tried to expand their horizon into the sports arena and we are glad that our students participated in the Khel Mahakumbh held on 24th March 2022 at various places in Bhavnagar. They have proved as a never giving up team with a fighting spirit ignited within them. This attitude has paved way to the beginning of the success story. Our players faced tough competitions, though they sweated it out on court, they could make it to the finals receiving certificates, medals and trophies. Indeed, it was a proud moment to cherish. In the words of Louis Zamperini “That’s one thing you learn in sports. You don’t give up, you fight to the finish.”

Pre Primary- Sr kg GRADUATION DAY

Kindergarten graduation is an exciting milestone for pre-primary children as it’s their first step towards a future full of hopes and possibilities. It marks a new beginning that adds new dimensions to their school life and the journey they begin towards knowledge and education.

To make this day more special and memorable HHS pre-primary celebrated kindergarten graduation day on 23rd March, 2022.Our Jr. kg. and Nursery students performed rhyme with action for their seniors. Sr. kg. Students made card for their teacher with drawing and use of different decorating materials. The most important part of the day was the caps and robes given by principal sir and coordinators to tiny tots of sr.kg after that the learners presented their thank you speech. It was indeed a joyous and memorable day for not only the little ones but also proud moment for the teachers.


Pre Primary - An Activity on Seasons

Learning about the seasons helps children understand the weather condition and span of time. In the Senior Kg class, the March month Theme was Seasons. To grasp the concept of this theme in a better way, the teacher explained, through slides, stories and picture talk. As a recap for all the three seasons teacher planed and divided the students according to the seasons of the clothes we wear, food we eat and the things used or seen in that season.

Our little learners came in the beautiful dress up of the given topic and spoke about it on16th ,March 2020,by doing this activity in a demonstrative way the learners also developed a good vocabulary and learned in detail about the seasons.

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Pre Primary - An Activity on 0'Clock

Children learn best by thinking about real things that are tangible or kinesthetic in their early development. They create relationships in understanding and knowledge by linking what they learn with their own understanding.

They are not yet ready to properly tell the time but it can certainly be introduced to the concepts in an interactive way. The teacher first discussed the daily routine at home and school, then after she showed them a real wall clock and a watch. A paper plate clock with different timing and hands was shown to the learners. They were asked to observe and identify where the small and big hands. On 15th March as a recap of telling the time, the Sr. kg. students did the activity of ‘Roll a dice’ for the time . The learners took turns in throwing the dice to represent the time, they set the clock hands according to the number shown on the dice.

This way, the students understand the O'clock concept with a solid foundation of early Math skill with hands on learning and fun experience.


Pre Primary - An Activity on Purple Color

Colors always fascinate us. It enlivens our environment and is an integral part of our life. To make the little kids aware about color and how they add beauty to things around us, a Purple color activity was done in jr kg and Sr kg . The jr kg children made a bunch of grapes with purple color paper cut outs and crayons, the sr kg children did mixing of red and blue watercolor to make purple color. Children did the activity with great enthusiasm in art and craft, thus reinforcing the concept of purple color.

It became more interesting when the teachers continued the day with treasure hunt for purple color objects.

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