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Hanumant High School


Pre Primary Section-An Activity on Letter A,B and C

A-apple, fingerprinting

B-bus ,paper tearing and sticking

C-carrot ,sponge printing

Pre Primary Section - An Activity on Vowels

Vowels are most beautiful sounds which we make with our voice. Vowels are found in every syllable of every word in the base of education. Vowels play vital role, so the class of sr. Kg conducted the activity on it. The teachers used letter board, clay, black-board and white paper. First teachers showed them flashcards, and gave them instruction to separate the vowels from the letter board . for a recap they gave the kids one cut out of paper hand and asked the kids to write the vowels on the finger and consonants with sketch pen. And last, they stuck the vowel and consonants activity in their book. By these activities the students were able to differentiate between the vowels and consonants.

Primary - An Activity on Structure of an Egg

Nature has created many creatures in this world. To know how they are born by laying eggs here is the ‘Structure of an egg’. To understand the whole process from laying eggs to giving birth, the students of grade 4 have done beautiful science activity on 4th July 2022 using their creativity in art and craft. The main aim of conducting this activity was to understand the internal structure of an egg laid by all the birds.