Mrs. imrich's Class

Week 37


I can't believe we have 10 days left of school! This year has flown by and I have loved every second with these amazing students. I have seen so much growth in each and every one of them! 🩵

Our Mooney's Grove field trip is scheduled for Monday, May 20th. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know so I can add you to the list. We will be leaving school at 10:15 AM and returning by 1:30 PM.  The students will need a sack lunch that day. Thanks!

This week we will be filming our invention commercials during class time using Flipgrid. A drawing of the invention is due for all students on the 20th. If your child would like to create a prototype of their invention for extra credit, they are also due on Monday, May 20th. We will be showing our commercials during class time next week. 

The Penny Wars will continue this week! Here's how it works: Each class has its own jug for collecting money and can gain points by adding pennies and bills to their jug. To lower another class'  total, we could add silver coins as they act as negative points. The winning class gets to choose where all of the money goes!

Important Upcoming Dates:

5/13- 5/17: Teacher Appreciation Week 🍎

5/20: Mooney Grove Field Trip! 

5/24 Last Day of School-Half Day 🎉


Have a great week! 😊

Rebecca Imrich

What's happening

Math: Fractions/Test this week 

Reading: Charlotte's Web

Writing: Opinion Writing

Science: Simple Machines

Social Studies: Invention Projects/Test on CH 6 Tuesday 

Bible:  Test on Thursday (review sent home on Friday 5/10)


Spelling words (Study for tests on Fridays.)

Memory verse (Students will be expected to recite each Friday.) I encourage the students to read 20 minutes of a chapter book each night

Optional: Invention Prototypes due on Monday, 5/20

Spelling Test on Friday: 

I'm  he's  aren't  couldn't  won't  o'clock  wouldn't  weren't  she's  wasn't  I'd  shouldn't  can't  isn't  let's  who's 

EXTRA:  pelting  dreary  dismal  exhausted

Memory Verse due Friday:

Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Novels and Interactive Read-alouds:

Charlotte's Web 
