CCM Music Worship

This spring semester, Christian Campus Ministry (CCM) launched its first-ever music worship services! These consisted of contemporary Christian music, scripture, and community!

For its final music worship service of the semester, CCM invited Pastor Robb McClintock (the father of the student leader of CCM) of Bethany United Methodist Church to help make music and speak to students about his calling to ministry. 

It was a night filled with stories, scripture, music, and community. What a wonderful way to wrap up the semester for CCM!

Pictured to the left is our amazing band! 

Zach Reinsma - Piano 

Fran Zyla - Guitar

Ollie Engstrom - Guitar

Robb McClintock - Drums

Written By Annika McClintock '24

Student Communications Manager and Student Leader of Christian Campus Ministry

Picture Credits Keegan Terrone '27