Study Away Scholarship Process

Hamline Study Away Scholarship Info

Hamline donors help students make study away and abroad a possibility through their generosity. Through their support, the GEC has several study away/abroad scholarship funds.

The GEC, in conjunction with other departments across campus award scholarships twice a year after the study away application deadlines.

Here is the process and things to remember when looking for study away/abroad scholarships.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to connect with the GEC at

Scholarship Awards that the GEC awards/nominates recipients:

  • Holt Endowed Fellowship - Focus on unique programming, including research, internship, or semester-long programming. This award requires a letter to the donor.

  • George Vane International Scholarship - Open to all Hamline students.

  • Frank A. Dubinskas Scholarship - Open to all Hamline students.

  • Betty Ruth Osborn Irish Scholarship - Open to all students with a focus on Latin American program location; BIPOC participants.

  • Knieriemen- Africa - Education program or research in Africa.

Other departments have funding as well. Generally, the GEC will provide these departments with a list of all study away applicants that fit their funding requirements.

For example, the Modern Language department has funding for declared Modern Language majors/minors. Post the study away deadline, the GEC will provide a list of all Modern Language students with committed applications.The Modern Languages department will award, and notify their recipients.

The GEC Process:

Step 1: Open a Hamline Application

This link is found on the Hamline Search Page for the program you select.

Step 2: Check the Box!

In the Hamline application, please check the box in the Academic & Biographical Data that you want to be matched with the different scholarship funds.

Step 3: Brief Statement

Highlight the following: estimate on how much in a scholarship you would need to make study away happen, other financial aid options that you are using, any unique circumstances you would like the committee to know, how you would use the funds and how you will "pay it forward" in the future.

Step 4: Complete Hamline Application

By the Hamline application deadline, you must have completed your application and committed to the program.

Step 5: GEC Review

Post deadline, the GEC will compile all the data and review the applications. Each award has slightly different requirements, but we match you to the awards you are eligible for automatically.

Step 6: Award Notifications

The GEC will notify all scholarship recipients as soon as organizationally possible - some of the funds require a few more approvals than others - patience is appreciated.

Accept & Study Away!

Accept your award by responding to the GEC email. Please note that awards will be processed on your Hamline Workday Account.

Important Information:

Students must select a program and begin the Hamline application by clicking "Apply Now" on the Hamline search page. Students may change the program destination anytime by connecting with the GEC.

If a student is selected for a scholarship and the location changes, there is a possibility that the award may also change depending on the cost of the program and if the scholarship is location-based (i.e, Irish Scholarship).

Students must accept the scholarship and any follow on requirements by any deadlines provided in the notification email. Should this not happen, the award will be released and re-awarded to another student.

Should a student not complete the Scholarship Questionnaire, withdraw from the study away program, or not commit to the program, they will not be eligible for the award.

Should a student not receive an initial award or apply late (past the scholarship review deadline), funds may still be available. Check with the GEC for more information regarding additional funding or other funding sources.

Students can also find more details on the Funding site:

For more information, please connect with the GEC at