First Chapter Fridays & Monthly CopyTalk PL

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April/May Activities

Earth Day- Students can visit the learning commons to use a FUN new app called Quiver to watch their creation come to life using augmented reality.

Sphero Challenges- Students can have fun learning basic robotic block programming and functioning of Spheros through several different fun challenges.

EOY Updates - Reminder of all things learning commons related including our summer reading challenge! Click image for information.

March Activities

Now - the end of March - Students and staff vote on their favorite chapter books to see who the winner will be!

March 4th-8th - Click HERE for daily events.

March 6th - Learning Commons "Book Scavenger Hunt"

March 11th-15th - Book Fair Time!!   See more info HERE.

March 21st - "JUST READ IT" Day!

March 25th-27th - Adopt a baby chick for $1 to read to over Spring Break.

March 27th - Learning Commons Game Day - The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors

March 28th-29th - DUM-DUM Days! Check out a book over the break and receive a sweet treat.

January/February Activities

January 18th - Thesaurus Day

Various stations will be out around the learning commons for students to participate in.  Feel free to send them if they finish work early in your class!

January 22nd - 100th Day of School Stations

Students can visit the learning commons to try their luck at building using 100 pieces of several different items.  It will be a fun 100th day with lots of excitement!

Click link HERE to checkout and advertise to your students.

January 23rd - 24th - Cozy Winter Book Tasting

Sign your class up HERE for a 45 minute slot to include book tasting and checkout of new books.

February 1st - JUST READ IT Day

Students have the opportunity to bring a book and find a quiet spot to JUST READ.  There will be no checkout or classwork this day to avoid distractions.  If this is a success, I would like to host this monthly.

February 7th - World Read Aloud Day

We would love to do a read aloud with several classrooms.  We can come to you or you can visit the learning commons..  Your choice!

February 14th - Valentine's Day FUN

Show your love for games!  Take  a break from class and collaborate with peers to play some quick, fun games!

February 2nd-16th - Blind Date with a Book

November/December Activities

October Activities