Unit 1

Building a Reading Life

Overview of Unit: In this unit, students will learn how to author their reading lives by becoming a classroom community of readers. Students will also obtain the identity of being a reader by determining when reading has been great in their lives and thinking about how to continually make that a reality for them. To do this they will learn common strategies of strong readers and work in partnerships to discuss and share ideas as readers.

Bend 1: Making Reading Lives

The goal of this bend is to help each child build a reading life. We know that children will be creating reading identities, assuming roles within the classroom community, and we want to do everything possible to lure children to take on the role of being powerful, avid readers.

Bend 2: Making Texts Matter

In this bend students will learn to take further responsibility for their reading lives, including working to make sense of their texts. Students learn to take on the role of active problem solvers when they encounter places of difficulty and learn new vocabulary from their books.

Bend 3: Bringing Together Reading Lives, Texts That Matter, and Partners

In this bend, students will read, think, and write about books in the company of others. They will learn to recount stories to their partners.