About us

Welcome to our site! Currently, our group's research focuses on adaptive randomization designs and their statistical inference. 

More specifically, we are interested in the impact of network interference in A/B testing; unobserved covariates in covariate-adaptive designs; issues in personalized medicine; statistical applications to clinical trials, etc.

Group News

Adaptive Designs for Precision Medicine in Clinical Trials: A Review and Some Innovative Designs.  

Yanping Qiu and Feifang Hu.

Robustness of response-adaptive randomization.  

Xiaoqing ye, Feifang Hu and Wei Ma.

Testing heterogeneous treatment effect with quantile regression under covariate-adaptive randomization.

Yang Liu, Lucy Xia and Feifang Hu.

The properties of covariate-adaptive randomization procedures with possibly unequal allocation ratio.

Xiao Liu, Feifang Hu, and Wei Ma.

Adaptive randomization in network data.

Zhixin Zhou, Ping Li, and Feifang Hu, Electron. J. Statist. 18(1): 47-76 (2024). DOI: 10.1214/23-EJS2159 

The 'groupRAR' package is designed for group response-adaptive randomization procedures, and it includes the standard non-group response-adaptive randomization method as a special case within a comprehensive framework. It can also handle group response-adaptive randomization procedures with delayed and missing responses. 

The impacts of unobserved covariates on covariate-adaptive randomized experiments

Yang Liu and Feifang Hu, Ann. Statist. 51(5): 1895-1920 (October 2023). DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2308.