ACCESS for ELLs Administration Guidance

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

ACCESS for ELLs is administered annually to all MLs coded a ‘1.0 – 6.0 or ‘A1 – A3’ proficiency level. Students coded as ‘AW’ should be screened to complete the identification process before administering ACCESS for ELLs. ACCESS for ELLs is a standards-based, criterion-referenced ELP test designed to measure MLs’ social and academic language proficiency and progress towards proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English and the language associated with language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies within the school context and across the four language domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. ACCESS for ELLs meets the Title I mandate in the ESSA of 2015 that requires states to evaluate all MLs in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade on their progress towards English proficiency.

As a reminder, during the 2020–21 school year, it was allowable to administer ACCESS for ELLs for students enrolling into the district during the testing window rather than screening first. Although it was allowable, the decision to use ACCESS for ELLs as the identification assessment was a local decision. If the district chose to implement this guidance, documentation should be kept in the student file to notate the change in identification for applicable students. Please keep this exception in mind as records are reviewed for transferring students as ACCESS for ELLs 2020 score reports could be the initial “screener.” During the 2021–22 school year, this exception to our identification procedures is no longer permitted.

Only certified personnel who have completed the required WIDA training for ACCESS for ELLs are permitted to administer the annual proficiency assessment. This training must be completed annually by all TAs.

ACCESS for ELLs Administration Guidance

Administrative Considerations

These administrative considerations are available to any ML student and do not need to be, but can be listed on an ILAP/IEP or a 504 plan to receive them.

  • Individual or Small Group Setting;

  • Monitor placement of responses in the test booklet or onscreen;

  • Participate in different testing formats;

  • Specific seating;

  • Short segments;

  • Verbal praise or tangible reinforcement for on task or appropriate behavior;

  • Verbally redirect student’s attention to the test (English or Native Language);

  • Familiar TA;

  • Frequent or additional supervised breaks;

  • Adaptive and Specialized Equipment or Furniture; and

  • Alternative Microphone.

Universal Tools

These universal tools are available on ACCESS for ELLs Online and are also available to any ML student:

  • Audio aids;

  • Color contrast;

  • Color overlay;

  • Highlighters, colored pencils, or crayons;

  • Keyboard navigation;

  • Line guide or tracking tool;

  • Low-vision aids or magnification devices;

  • Sticky notes; and

  • Scratch paper.

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

All MLs are required to participate in the annual ELP assessment. MLWDs may receive accommodations on ACCESS for ELLs per the student’s IEP. If it is determined that an alternate ELP assessment is needed for an ML with significant cognitive disabilities in grades one through twelve, Alternate ACCESS for ELLs will be used. At this time, there is no Alternate ACCESS for ELLs assessment for kindergarten students who qualify for alternate assessments. However, qualifying students will take the Grades 1-2 version of Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, approved by the USED. The exit criteria score for the Alternate ACCESS assessment is P1 or P2.

The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is a large-print, paper-based test designed for MLWDs who cannot meaningfully participate in ACCESS for ELLs.

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Administration Guidance

Additional ACCESS for ELLs Administration Guidance

Cut-off Date for Testing

Until 2014, the SCDE published a cut-off date each year for testing new students. The SCDE discontinued the practice in response to an onsite review of the state’s Title III testing by the USED in 2013. The subsequent enactment of the ESSA in 2015 reiterates the requirement to assess all MLs annually without establishing a “cut-off” date.

There is no expectation of a school to screen and test a student who enrolls on the last day

of testing. Students need to be screened within ten (10) days of enrollment. This requirement is essential to ensure that students who need services receive them. The ACCESS for ELLs test takes four days to administer. Students who have taken the screener and identified as an ML must test if there is enough time after enrollment for testing before the end of the testing window. If coordinators, constituent members, and/or other practitioners have determined that ten (10) days before the end of testing is the last feasible day to screen and test an enrollee, the SCDE concurs with that position and will not find that a district has failed to comply with ESSA’s testing requirements.


These are only available to MLWDs with the accommodations documented in an IEP or a 504 plan:

  • Braille (BR);

  • Interpreter signs test directions in ASL (SD);

  • Extended testing of a test domain over multiple days (EM);

  • Large Print (LP);

  • Extended Speaking test response time (ES);

  • Manual control of item audio (MC);

  • Extended testing time within the school day (ET);

  • Repeat item audio (RA);

  • Human reader for items (HI);

  • Scribe (SR);

  • Human reader for response options (HR);

  • The student responds using a recording device, which is played back and transcribed by the student (RD);

  • Human reader for repeat of items (RI);

  • The test may be administered in a non-school setting (NS);

  • Human reader for repeat of response options (RR); and

  • Word processor or similar keyboarding device to respond to test items (WD).

Student Transfers During the Testing Window

If a student transfers to South Carolina from out-of-state during testing with ample evidence to show the student completed ACCESS for ELLs Online in another state, the new district can accept those results. Please contact the ELP Assessment Program Manager in the SCDE Office of Assessment (OA) for questions concerning these scenarios.

Students who transfer from non-WIDA states during the testing window will take ACCESS for ELLs.

Testing Mode

Beginning the 2020–21 school year, ACCESS for ELLs should be administered as an online assessment only. During the COVID-19 pandemic, South Carolina continued requiring online assessments and did not support remote or virtual testing.

If online testing is not appropriate for homebound students or other special circumstances, there is a process for districts to request to administer tests in a paper format.

Students with disabilities may take tests in a paper format as specified in the student's IEP or 504 plan. MLs with special circumstances (e.g., newcomer transfers during the testing window without technology experience) may take tests in paper format as specified in the student’s ILAP. The paper testing mode should be used minimally and only when a student truly needs this accommodation.

The School Test Coordinator (STC) should contact the DTC for any of these circumstances. The DTC will submit any necessary paperwork to the OA team at the SCDE.

Students Not Tested

Beginning with the 2021–22 school year, any ML enrolled in the district during the ACCESS for ELLs testing window and does not take the entire or misses one or more of the domains must be entered into the ‘Students Not Tested’ table in PowerSchool. This excludes students who have been approved by the OA at the SCDE and meet Access-Limited Criteria. The ‘Students Not Tested’ table now includes the annual ELP assessment and state assessments, and information can be completed there as applicable. It is strongly suggested to enter this information for the 2020–21 ACCESS for ELLs administration as applicable. However, this will be mandatory beginning the 2021–22 administration.

Access-Limited Criteria

For students who are MLWDs, one or more of the domain(s) assessed on ACCESS for ELLs or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs may not be accessible, even with universal supports and/or accommodations. As a reminder, an MLWD is required to make an earnest attempt at all domains. If the student cannot access a domain due to their disability, the IEP/504 team may determine that the domain(s) assessed is not appropriate given the characteristics of the student’s disability. The IEP/504 team may request that one or two of the domain(s) assessed (Listening, Speaking, Reading, or Writing) on ACCESS for ELLs or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs to be considered ‘Access-Limited.’ To make this request, the IEP/504 team should submit an Access-Limited Request form along with IEP/504 documentation.

During the 2019–20 and 2020–21 administration of ACCESS for ELLs, the SCDE reviewed each IEP submitted for the Access-Limited Criteria. When analyzing the accessibility needs of the students who were identified, several patterns of characteristics of disabilities emerged.

For example, students who are deaf and hard of hearing may be unable to access the “Speaking” and “Listening” domains in ACCESS for ELLs due to the nature of their disability. Students who are blind may be unable to access “Speaking” and “Reading” due to the nature of their disability.

As a reminder, a scribe is an allowable accommodation if the student needs to dictate their responses, either verbally using an external speech-to-text device, an augmentative/assistive communication device (e.g., picture/word board), or by gesturing, pointing, or eye gaze.

All requests must be submitted at least two weeks before the administration of ACCESS for ELLs or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. A committee will review submissions before the assessment window, and determination letters that allow or deny the request, including procedures for authorized requests, will be sent before test administration. An Access-Limited Request form must be submitted annually for students who may continue to be considered ‘Access-Limited.’ Requests may be submitted via paper Access-Limited Request form by faxing it, and the complete IEP/504 Plan to 803-734-8886.

If the student is taking the online version of ACCESS for ELLs, refer to the WIDA Assessment Management System Submit Incomplete Domain Guide in the WIDA Secure Portal or request this document from the ELP Assessment Program Manager at the SCDE. If the student takes the paper version of ACCESS for ELLs or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, complete all the tested domains once approval for ‘Access limited’ domains has been granted. Please contact the ELP Program Manager for any further details and questions.

Precode and Ordering Materials

Beginning with the 2020–21 administration, ACCESS for ELLs will be administered primarily as an online assessment. The SCDE will not accept paper waivers for the administration of ACCESS for ELLs. Use the following guidelines to assist with ordering materials and preparing for the online administration of the ELP assessment in conjunction with the WIDA AMS User Guide. The SCDE will be responsible for sending the pre-ID file to Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) to complete the initial order of materials for all districts in South Carolina. Districts will no longer order materials during the initial materials window.

For accuracy in ordering, all MLs will need the appropriate English language proficiency level coded in the SC Student Information page in PowerSchool. Students in grades K–12 with an English proficiency level of ‘1.0 – 6.0’ or ‘A1 – A3’ will participate in the annual ELP assessment.

Students coded as an ‘AW’ are not yet completely identified as an ML. Proper identification screening must occur before determining eligibility for ESOL services and ELP testing. Students in a 3- and 4- year-old Preschool Program do not take the annual ELP assessment regardless of their English proficiency level. Students who have previously met the exit criteria and are coded as ‘M1 – M4’ or ‘8 Former ML’ do not continue to take the annual ELP assessment. Students who did not qualify for ESOL services based on their initial screener are coded as ‘8 Never ML’ and do not take the annual ELP assessment.

Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs

Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs is administered as a paper-based assessment. DTCs will not need to order materials for Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs during the initial materials ordering window or enter information on the Precode page in PowerSchool. DRC will automatically send materials for this assessment based on the pre-ID file. Districts must have all English proficiency levels properly coded in PowerSchool.

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is administered as a paper-based assessment. DTCs will not need to order materials for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs during the initial materials ordering window. However, the Alternate Assessment field needs to be checked on the Precode page in PowerSchool. DRC will send materials for this assessment based on the pre-ID file. Please be sure to have the Alternate Assessment field checked on the Precode page in PowerSchool for any ML who qualifies for alternate assessments before leaving for Thanksgiving break, at the latest. Please note that the SCDE may request IEPs or other documentation to verify the use of Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.

ACCESS for ELLs Paper

Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, and grades 1–3 Writing will remain as paper-based administration. The option for grades 4–12 Writing as a blended option will remain. This blended option allows for all online administration of the assessment, except for the Writing domain. If this option is chosen, the writing prompt will be online, while the student responds in a writing test booklet. If chosen, DTCs will order these writing booklets during the additional materials window. A waiver or special circumstance request is not required for this option.

ACCESS for ELLs Paper will be available for students as documented in their IEP, for students who are homebound where online testing is not feasible, or SCDE approved special circumstances. Please note that the SCDE may request IEPs or other documentation to verify the use of paper-based ELP assessments.

Although ACCESS for ELLs will primarily be online administration, the SCDE acknowledges certain situations in which paper administration may be necessary. If the paper administration of ACCESS for ELLs is needed due to unforeseen circumstances, the ELP Assessment Program Manager will need to approve the order of paper materials. For this request and other special circumstances, requests may be submitted via paper Special Circumstance Request Form by faxing it and the complete IEP/504 Plan/ILAP to 803-734-8886.

Students taking the English language proficiency (ELP) assessment, ACCESS for ELLs, in paper format should have the ‘ELP Paper’ field selected on the Precode page in PowerSchool and a ‘Tier’ selection of ‘Tier A’ or ‘Tier B/C.’ The default will be ‘Tier A’ if the field is left blank. For tier placement protocol, visit the South Carolina English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) ELP Assessment webpage. Students taking the Alternate ELP assessment, Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, should have the ‘Alternate Assessment’ field checked on the Precode page in PowerSchool. Precode must be completed for MLs who need paper-based assessments before Thanksgiving break, at the latest. DTCs will not need to order materials for ACCESS for ELLs Paper during the initial materials ordering window. DRC will send materials for this assessment based on the pre-id file.

Additional Materials Window

Before ordering additional materials, STCs should consult with DTCs to determine if materials are on hand or need to be ordered. Only the DTC should place additional materials orders. Customized test forms and materials for ACCESS for ELLs are not ordered via Precode. All customized material orders will be placed through WIDA AMS during the additional materials window. Please reference the WIDA AMS User Guide for instructions on ordering additional materials through WIDA AMS.

DRC will be responsible for consulting with the ELP Assessment Program Manager at the SCDE to approve all additional material orders. Additional material orders will be approved promptly by the ELP Assessment Program Manager to ensure the districts and schools receive their materials quickly, not to interrupt the testing schedule and procedures.