GWC Parent Message: NQ and Prelim Information (09 December 2020)

Changes to National Qualifications (2020/21)

On Tuesday 08 December, we had two key announcements from the Deputy First Minister outlining changes to National Qualifications, 2020-21. Please see:

SQA Comments on Deputy First Minister's decision to cancel Higher and Advanced Higher exams

Delivering your National 5 results in 2021

We are committed to providing timely and transparent communication with both you and your child about this matter. You can see the message that was sent to all pupils (S4-S6) on Wednesday 09 December here. We will provide further information regarding the Alternative Certification Model and associated assessment arrangements as soon as we have further information.

Our collective and most immediate priority remains the upcoming prelim diet. However, please be assured that there will be further opportunities for assessment beyond the prelims. We will provide further information regarding the Alternative Certification Model and associated assessment arrangements, as soon as we have further information.

Higher & Advanced Higher Prelim Arrangements

Higher and Advanced Higher pupils have received their prelim timetable (available here) . This provides them with the date and time(s) of their prelims. Individual departments will provide further communication about the specific rooming for each pupil. The Additional Support for Learning Department will be in touch with pupils who require Assessment Arrangements that mean they have distinct arrangements to the main cohort. We will contact all pupils who have exam clashes during the diet with details of alternate arrangements before the end of term.

National 5 Prelims and Study Leave

National 5 pupils will receive their timetables at the beginning of the Spring Term.

S4 study and prelim leave will be from 21 January - 4 February.

Please note the following exceptions:

  • S4 pupils who have a prelim on Thursday 21 January are permitted to take Wednesday 20th January to prepare at home, if desired.

  • Pupils presenting for Practical Cookery will also have a prelim on Friday 05 February. All other pupils should be in school as normal on 05 February.

Pupils in S5 or S6 presenting for National 5 courses are permitted to take the day off before their National 5 prelim, as well as the day of their National 5 prelim.

Please reply to

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Diane Grant

(Deputy Head of Curriculum and Examinations)