
As the world is transitioning from carbon emissions into a more sustainable energy for various reasons such as climate change, it is vital to learn and have basic skills on how some of these technologies work to help our world. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) mentions that " Renewable energy sources can provide affordable, reliable energy without producing harmful emissions. "  In my project I'm going to go deeper into the basics on how some of these technologies work and how they help reduce CO2 emissions and correlate them to airplanes and how we can cooperate new technology into airplanes to help reduce CO2 emissions.

About Me & Project

Hey! My name is Jerush Wesley and I'm currently a sophomore at GHS. Some of my hobbies are playing my guitar, fishing, and playing tennis. I do have a interest in STEM fields and business but not completely sure what I want to do but I love airplanes and always fascinated on how they work so I decided to research about them to understand them better and possibly get hands on later on and find out new technologies to cooperate with them to make them 100% fully electric with 0% CO2 emissions. E=MC^2 is a perfect opportunity for me to go deeper with extensive studying on airplanes as I always wonder how they work with all the mechanical components and other systems the plane has digitally in the cockpit and also studying new technologies being innovated and find ways to incorporate them to airplanes to make them fully electric so no CO2 is emitted.