About the AP program
The Advanced Placement Program offers students the opportunity to take college-level courses and exams in high school and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both at many colleges and universities in the U.S. and around the world. They follow a specific set of curriculum in preparation for an exam in early May. By earning college credit in high school and skipping introductory courses in college, you can save time and money as they work toward a college degree.
Taking AP courses in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you:
Earn College Credit
Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus.
Earn Advanced Placement
Your AP score can let you skip introductory courses in college and can increase your pay in the armed forces.
Save Money and Time
Earning credit or placement can open up time on your schedule or even let you graduate early.
“AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges you’ve tackled college-level work.
Students are able to print a copy of their award certificate(s) online, and the awards are reflected on all score reports sent to colleges after awards are conferred.
A Head Start in High School
Research consistently shows that AP students are better prepared for college than students who don’t take AP. They’re more likely to enroll and stay in college, do well in their classes, and graduate in four years. Taking AP can help you:
Get a Taste of College
Get familiar with college-level work—and boost your confidence by tackling it.
Develop College Skills
Time management, critical thinking, scholarly writing—AP courses help you hone the skills you’ll need in college and career.
Discover Your Passion
Studying a subject in depth could give you new insights and even put you on the path to a career.
Visit GUHSD's Advanced Placement website for the latest news and updates
Fall Registration for AP in 21-22
Beginning this fall, students will register for AP exams in October. This new timeline is due to educational research that shows huge benefits (increase in participation and increase in scores) for students who commit at the beginning of their class.
For all GUHSD high schools, the ordering deadline and fee schedule is as follows:
Before November 15, students will join their AP class via a join code from their teacher.
All tests must be paid for by February 1st, 2021 in the school finance office. Your bill has been emailed to you.
If you taking an exam that you are not currently in a class for, please contact the AP Coordinator, Mrs. Dalglish to get on an an "exam only" test list. Exam deadlines still apply. Exam Only registration info.
Cost for each exam is $15 for ECVHS students.
Exams ordered/canceled after the deadline will incur a $40 late fee.