
EDPB 530 debates protocols

When: Regular class time

Cohort 3 - Nov 7

Cohort 1 & 2 - Nov 8

Watch the first 10 minutes of this video to view our basic format.

These kids look like they are Grade 6 and 7 to me. Under the video you will find some areas where their format is similar and different from ours.

Comparing our format with the Middle Schoolers' format in the video

The Same:

  • Set-up
  • Order of argumentation
  • Stand to ask a question
  • Question can be refused with a polite: "Not at this time."
  • Opposing side refutes the first arguments (if possible) before providing own arguments.
  • Examples are used to back up one's point (Opposing side used the Cookie Monster...)


  • Each side gets 2 minutes rather than the 5 minutes shown in the video.

Judging and Questioning


Judges give a point for:

  • Solid argument
  • Solid backing of an argument with examples, or explanations, or stories, or data
  • Dramatics: Convincing demeanor, expostulations, facial mobility, arm flailings, or other aids to argument (... but only if they aid the argument)

Questions by opposing team:

Stand to ask a question. May be rejected with a "Not at this time.".

Questions must be 10 seconds or less and MUST be questions.

  • Give a point for accepting a question
  • Give a point for answering a question
  • Give an extra point for answering the question well
  • Give a point to opposing (asking) team for a good question
  • Take away a point from opposing team if question takes longer than 10 seconds or is not really a question.

Debate Score Sheet

Notice that points are not given to individuals, they are given to a team.

Debate score sheet

You will find the Debate Self-Assessment on your personal Tracker.