
Welcome to our Music page where we have shared some of the best resources available for free. Now is a time for singing and music if there ever was one!

At Penwortham, we teach Music using a scheme by Charanga. They have created a home learning version called Yumu which you can access here. Teachers will set new lessons regularly. Your login details are in the secure area of the school website.

Weekly teaching videos for a song of the week with linked activities to try at home.

Weekly activities with a Ten Pieces film to watch and enjoy and a linked creative activity that can be completed by children without any special materials or preparation.

Wandsworth Music are continuing to offer instrumental tuition lessons via Zoom. You can sign up via this link: If your child is eligible for pupil premium funding and has been receiving discounted music lessons, this discounted rate will still apply. Please contact the school, and we can make sure this discount is applied.

Out of the Ark has lots of fantastic songs that children will be familiar with from our assemblies and lessons. They have started to share resources for free to use at home during this time.