Parent Support for

"At Home Learning"

If your child's teacher is using Google Classroom or Seesaw click on the links for more information on student and parent access

You are your child’s teacher in so many ways but you are not expected to ‘teach’ the same way a teacher does in school. During this time, you have the unique opportunity to be flexible, to follow your child’s interests, and to create opportunities that honour how your child learns best.

We all learn through play. Play changes as we get older. We play with words, puzzles, ideas and problems that we face. The best learning comes from authentic experiences and finding answers to questions that arise from those experiences.

At this time it will be important to have some daily structure and routines which include consistent mealtimes, chores, bedtimes and some learning and fun in between. Structure and routines provide children with a sense of stability and predictability. This assists them in managing their emotions and regulating according to the varying experiences of the day.

Create a Routine

Set up specific times for reading, math and other academic work, as well as breaks. Kids will be more cooperative if they know when they’re expected to work and for how long.

  • Learn from the world around you

  • Schedule time to go outside

  • Set aside some quiet time

  • Consider your needs as a parent, especially if you're working from home

    • Allow for kids to work independent when possible

  • Keep loose but predictable schedules

Keeping Kids Healthy

Mindfulness for Kids

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It is important for children to practice mindfulness especially during this time of uncertainty.