Photonics Devices Laboratory


Our group, lead by Shuo-Yen Tseng at the National Cheng Kung University, conducts research related to the interaction of light and artificially created micro/nano-scale structures for applications in integrated optics, nonlinear optics, optical communications, as well as bio-sensing and detection. 


Jul, 2024 Our work on higher-order-mode supercontinuum generation using STA coupling has been published in Optics and Laser Technology

Jun, 2024 賀!專題生李毓凱獲國科會大專生計畫

March, 2024 Our work on adiabaticity engineered arbitrary ratio silicon coupler has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal. 

March, 2024 Our work on adiabaticity engineered silicon PSR has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters.

December, 2023 賀!專題生羅御方獲OPTIC 2023 Student paper award (Oral)

September, 2023 歡迎新成員涂淮崴、陳詠霖、徐詠軒加入PDL

August, 2023 賀!碩士班張力夫陳瑞鴻王欣以詹弘任碩士學位

April, 2023 Our work on adiabaticity engineered polarization-independent silicon 3-dB couplers has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal.

January, 2023 歡迎新成員芷潔加入PDL

December, 2022 Our work on STA in bent mode-evolution couplers has been accepted for publication in Optics Continuum.

September, 2022 歡迎新成員賴俊竹劉書廷呂珈瑱加入PDL

August, 2022 賀!碩士班楊再碩吳炳璁吳佳玲林晉豪獲碩士學位

June, 2022 Our work on STA in bent waveguide couplers with a sign flip of the phase mismatch has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.

February, 2022 Our work on multi-wavelength adiabaticity engineering has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.

December, 2021 Our work on polarization-independent 2x2 silicon 3-dB couplers has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.

September, 2021 歡迎新成員張力夫、陳瑞鴻、王欣以、詹弘任加入PDL

August, 2021 Our work on robust 2x2 silicon 3-dB couplers has been published in Optics and Laser Technology.

August, 2021 賀!碩士班盧冠勳吳啟弘何家安獲碩士學位

March, 2021 Our work on quadratically bent directional coupler has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

October, 2020 Our work on athermal silicon power splitters has won a Best Paper Award at the OECC 2020 conference. 

September, 2020 Our work on adiabaticity engineering has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.

July, 2020 賀!碩士班蔣子涵、俞志強、劉昀泓、吳以琳獲碩士學位

March, 2020 Our paper on STA in optical waveguides is featured in the Highlights of 2019 collection by EPL.

February, 2020 Our work on arbitrary ratio power splitters on silicon has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.

December, 2019 Our work on fast quasi-adiabatic elimination in optical waveguide is published in Optics Express.

October, 2019  賀!碩士生蔣子涵獲成大推薦赴奧地利University of Innsbruck交換研究

September, 2019   New website is online.