
Mechanical Assessment of Reservoir Visual-hazard Evaluation Lab

關於我們 / About us


This lab is focusing on the crust stress field, the characteristic of rock, and the interaction of fracture system and fluid. With the corresponding parameters, the geophysical and geomechanical models will be built and apply to very research fields. Especially in modern nature resources explorations, like oil and gas reservoir detection, resource estimation, gas hydrate layer evaluation, geothermal well design, and rare earth collection. We are working for the integrate of geophysical, geology, and engineering information into geomechanical model and apply this technology to the resources estimation, green energy hazard evaluation. Even the seismic hazard and seismicity simulation which relate to the important public and society economics issues.

吳泓昱 助理教授



電話 : +886-6-275-7575 ext 62830

信箱 : sonata(@)gs.ncku.edu.tw

Hung-Yu (Sonata) Wu

Assistant Professor

Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

No. 1, University Rd., Tainan, 70101, TAIWAN.

Phone: +886-6-275-7575 ext 62830

Email: sonata(@)gs.ncku.edu.tw