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WHY LITTLE MISFIT?   I am writing the series of Life Lessons and Tales of Little MisFIt for children and young adults to have a role model who finds that it's okay to not always fit in and who learns to use humor to build her self-confidence and be successful in life.  The books are meant to be read and shared with key adults in their life in order to have a dialogue about and share their life experiences and lessons with their children, grand children, and students or other important adults serving as coaches, counselors or mentors.   This will be a series of 7-10 books about Little MisFit learning a new lesson through humorous tales as she reaches adulthood.  In book 1, LMF is 3 1/2 to 9 as she learns the lesson, Life Isn't Always What It Seems.  In book 2, LMF is 10 as she learned the lesson, Life Isn't Always Fair.  Book 3 is in process. 

As an educator, coach, counselor and probation office, I saw how children who grew up with adult mentors who shared their life lessons helped children become more confident,  over-come bullying and be comfortable with who they are.  Little MisFit (LMF) demonstrates how using humorous tales can be a fantastic and fun media for engaging kids and young adults in conversations about life lessons without preaching to them.  The books get kids to put down their I-Phones, I Pads and computers and interact and ask questions of adults who read to them or with them.  Kids become interested in knowing what their parents, grandparents and teachers did when they grew up and were faced with similar situations.  Finally, sharing the tales allows for some great face time and laugh-out-loud times together.  

TARGET AUDIENCE:  Little MisFit books are designed for parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, counselors and mentors.  They are meant to be read together whether in person or over Zoom.  They are a fun media to get kids talking and asking adults in their lives questions about their own life lessons and experiences while having fun and laughing out loud together.  

2020 Pinnacle Award for Best Book in Young Adult Category                   AND

Top Ten Finalist in Author Elite for Children's and Middle Grades Categories

Life Lessons and Tales of Little MisFit
Book 1:  Life Isn't Always What It Seems

A Young adult and children's book
by SK Grunin

FEATURED IN 2022 VAIL FILM FESTIVAL December 2022!!!!!


TARGET AUDIENCE:  This is a book written for children in a humorous fashion telling tales of Little MisFit about the Life Lesson – that Life Isn’t Always What It Seems.  It is intended to demonstrate that all of us at some point or situation may find ourselves as a MisFit and also how learning Life Lessons can help us to build confidence and succeed in life.  Thus, the book as one reviewer said: “Is for the child in all of us!”

Click on Book cover above or at the top menu to see more links -including Amazon and other reviews of this  book.   


WINNER of the 2024 Winter PINNACLE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD in Young Adult genre!!

Always Fair is available on Amazon!  Go to Amazon - find author:  S.K. Grunin and click on Follow Author and you will receive notifications when new books in this series are available for purchase on Amazon!  

Book 2 - follows Ivy Sue Klutz humorous tales as she is 10 years old and in the 5th grade.  Great book for adults and kids alike to read alone or together and share your own life lessons as you laugh out loud with Little MisFit's antics and life experiences.  

To view and order Dr. Grunin’s collection of artworkoil paintings and photographs—both original works of art and prints.
Also pillows, yoga mats, book bags (including one for Little MisFit), coffee mugs, and other home goods with her artwork:

Susan Grunin


To see Dr. Grunin's Author page go to:   https:\\ 

Book Link to Purchase or 

Read over 25 Five Star Reviews: 

Won Top 10 Finalist in Children's and Middle Grades Categories for 2021