Virtual Lessons
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Lesson 1: Exploring Decomposition
Exploring decomposition and composting with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: Instructions to bury your own peel
Nature Notes: Capture your peel observations
Math Minds: Let's subtract waste at home
Let's Draw: Sketch a banana that looks good enough to eat
Move with Nature: Try decomposition yoga
Call to Action: Watch Composting with Peppa Pig (VideoLink /SafeYouTube)
Story Time: Kate and her cat read a story about compost
Lesson 2: Making Field Guides
Telling the story of your place with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: Play field guide bingo
A Conversation: Have a chat with something in your space
Math Minds: Try measuring with your hand span
Make Your Own Binoculars: A craft that makes exploring your space extra fun
Move in Your Space: Yoga to stretch your body and mind
Call to Action: Care for your own space and enjoy a kid podcast about outer space
Story Time: Taylor reads a story about a special garden space
Lesson 3: Investigating Biomimicry
Letting nature be your teacher with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: Find ideas inspired by nature at
Nature Notes: What do you have in common with a tree?
Engineering Challenge: Make paper airplanes that fly like bird wings
Move With Nature: Yoga to move like a tree, mountain and flower
Call to Action: We need more trees!
Story Time: Hank reads a story about Wild Ideas!
Lesson 4: Exploring Seed Dispersal
Learning how seeds move with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: Can you make a seed move?
Nature Notes: What other plant parts do we eat?
Math Minds: How many seeds are in a tomato?
Move With Nature: Using yoga to step inside a seed
Seed Packet Scavenger Hunt: Learn how to read a seed packet
Story Time: Amanda reads a story about how seeds are like us
Lesson 5: Using Your Power
Moving towards renewable energy with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: The power of you
Nature Notes: Power your own windmill
Math Minds: Switch on your brain power
Move With Nature: Using yoga to feel your power
Call to Action: Try this energy saving challenge
Story Time: Listen to the story of a boy who used his power to light his town
Lesson 6: Chicken Hatch
Explore the world of baby chicks with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: Watch our playlist of chicken hatch videos
Nature Notes: Draw you own hatching chick
Math Minds: Count your chickens!
Move With Nature: Using yoga movement to feel springtime in nature
Story Time: Listen to the book An Egg Is Quiet
Lesson 7: Natural Patterns
Explore patterns and cycles with Ground Education
Now It's Your Turn: Make a pattern snack
Nature Notes: The art of patterns
Math Minds: Fun with symmetry
Move With Nature: Yoga in repeating patterns
Call to action: Trees and a mysterious sequence
Story Time: Listen to the book Swirl by Swirl