Sub Resources

Special Ed Sub Plans

Wednesday- Mrs. Kitchen 9-9:30

Friday- Mrs Walstra- 11:25-11:55

These classes are held in room 002 in the kindergarten hallway. Each class will come with at least 1-2 assistants to help you. The key to 002 is in Mrs. Coggins teacher box. Just ask the front office for the key. Please return the key back to the office when done.

Lesson Format

You will use the slide presentation below. You will plug your sub computer into the promethean board via a small cable on a table next to the board. Ask the teacher and assistants to help you work the promethean board.

Slide 1- Expectations for them to see as they come into the room

Slides 2-5 is the sit down song sung by you and the assistants to the tune of  Frarajaca. The students will sit down in the chairs already there.

Slide 7- you just encourage the students to go play with the equipment already in the room. The assistants will help you.

Slide 8- Is the timer, just have the assistants help you to set it for 5 min.

Slide 9- After the timer goes off, play slide 9 the clean up song. The assistants will help you and the kids practice cleaning up.

Once all of the toys are cleaned up reset the timer for 5 minutes and have them play again and clean up again after the timer is done using the song.

Repeat until class is over. At the end play slide 10- the goodbye song. The assistants will line up the kids and take them back to class.

Copy of MOD Related Arts_ Shea

K-5 Sub Plans

PE Sub Plans.docx