
Greetings and Salutations!

My name is Allison Peake, Assistant Principal at J.L. Mann Academy High School, and I am proud to be a Patriot!

My vision for school is:

  • For EVERY student that walks the halls of J.L. Mann to feel important

  • For EVERY student to leave J.L. Mann Academy High School with an achievement upon which they can build on for their future - i.e. High School Diploma, Job Skills Certification, College Credit, Rank in the armed services - anything and everything that increases chances of success to be a happy and productive global citizen

  • For EVERY person at school (students and staff alike) to be excited to learn, motivated for each new day, and open to growth and new experiences

Whatever I can do for you, please ask - I am here for you!

Don't forget that we are ALL Patriot Strong!