US Government and Economics

Mr. J Thompson

Preparing you to be college and career ready!

Feel free to explore the tabs to find the information related to each class/page. For important info related to lessons, due dates, etc. please refer to your Google Classroom. If you have another question, feel free to click on the contact tab (Menu at top of page) to get in touch with Mr. Thompson directly. The majority of the most important things related to US Government and Economics will be found in Google Classroom.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT(s):  Economics U2 Test on Wednesday!

US Gov U2 Test on Wednesday!

Mastery Day on Friday, Apr 29.

Contact Information (Email, Office Hours, Schedule)

I can always be reached at: 

or my district Gmail account at

My office hours this year will be:

Monday thru Friday 12pm-12:45pm

Contact Information (Email, Office Hours, Schedule)

My Teaching schedule for Spring 2024 (Classes Switch at the 9 Week Mark)

1ST BLOCK: Econ/US Gov

2ND BLOCK: US Gov/Econ

3RD BLOCK: Planning/Office Hours

Lunch: B Lunch

4TH BLOCK: US Gov/Econ