1. Students will be required to complete the daily eLearning assignments on the days their track is not scheduled to be in the classroom. Students will not be required to complete eLearning assignments on the day they are in class.(Ex. A student on the Blue track does not need to complete Monday or Wednesday's eLearning assignments via SeeSaw, but will need to work on eLearning assignments via SeeSaw Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

§ Daily assignments will be sent out on the SeeSaw App at 6:00am each day.

§ Students will submit their work daily using the SeeSaw App.

§ Students daily submissions will count as their daily attendence. (If an assignment needs to be turned in late or early please notify me as soon as you can so I can mark the assignments as their daily attendence accordingly).

§ If a student does not submit a daily assignment or check in with a message during the day- they will be marked absent. Please communicate with me if there are any difficulties with submitting any assignments.

§ I will check in with students and families on their eLearning days by providing feedback on assignments on SeeSaw, phone calls, or Google Meets a minimum of twice a week during my eLearning office hours or on Fridays.

  1. I will provide daily check ins during my related arts times Monday through Thursday (11:30-12:05). During this time, I will make phone calls, return emails and check in/comment with SeeSaw for assignments.

Each week, eLearning assignments are pushed out each morning at 6:00am. I expect my students to complete activities for Writing, Reading, Math and Science/Social Studies for the days they are not in school.

Virtual Office Information

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 11:35-12:05

Fridays Google meet 9:30-10:00 10:30-11:30

Email: clucas@greenville.k12.sc.us

Classroom Phone Number: 864 355-4738

While face masks are not required for Kindergarteners, we strongly suggest that your child wear one so we can still do certain activities like singing. Thank you!

Since school starts at 7:45 this year, dismissal is at 2:15 instead of 2:30.

Click on the image below to view our Virtual Meet the Teacher!