Syllabus - Algebra 2
Berea High School
Algebra 2 CP Syllabus
Mr. Street
COURSE: Algebra 2
We will take what you have learned in Algebra 1 (and even before) and start applying that to some more complex problems. It's some work, but you can do it if you simply keep up each day.
Our general outline is as follows
Unit 0: The basics (quick review to see what we all remember)
Operations; Number Lines; Graphing; Fractions; Prime Factorization; Solving for x; Systems of
Unit 1: Relationships
Shapes; Sequences; Solutions; Inequalities; Solution sets/area; Linear Programming
Unit 2: Quadratic Basics
Parabolas; Linear/Quadratic/Exponential; Quadratic properties (zeroes, vertices, graphs);
Complex Numbers
Unit 3: Quadratic Solutions
Square Roots; Complete the Square; Quadratic Formula; Identify Quadratic Graphs
Unit 4: Factoring
Monomials; Quadratics (m+n=B m×n=C, box/grouping); complete function tables; solve quadratics
by factoring
Unit 5: Polynomials
Transforming and translating functions; Polynomial operations; Identify graphs of polynomials
Unit 6: Radicals
Radical operations; identify linear and exponential functions; inverse of radicals: logarithms;
Exponential growth and decay functions; Inverse functions
Students will become proficient with the concepts stated by the SC Department of Education College and Career Readiness in the area of math, specifically Algebra 2. They will use critical thinking to determine the best method for solving real-world problems and then carry them through to a solution.
COURSE PACING: See slides at top of 'Lesson Plan' page
-Paper (both lined and graphing)
-Folder (provided)
-Chromebook (charged)
Getting a pencil, computer, or charger from me requires a cell phone as collateral.
-Be responsible, ready, and respectful
-Come prepared every day and ready to work
-Make up work after an absence within 5 days of returning to school (you are responsible for borrowing someone else's notes or working independently through the material in our workbooks or on Google Classroom)
-Follow all classroom rules and school rules.
-NO FOOD OR DRINK (water is allowed in clear container with lid)
-Students are encouraged to wash/sanitize their hands often.
-Students must practice coughing and sneezing etiquette.
Chromebooks MUST be charged every day before school.
Headphones and personal electronics (cell phones) are to be put away by the beginning of class.
If you are tardy to class you will receive a lunch detention. Failure to attend your lunch detention will result in a referral to your administrator.
Remember that you are allowed 5 unexcused absences per class. Anything over 5 absences will be handled by administration and can be made up at seat time. Please see the handbook on this web site's home page for more information. An absence does not excuse the student from completing missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange time to make up work independently, schedule a brief meeting with the teacher, or attend after school tutoring.
See attendance letter here:
This year, the SmartPass system will be used for granting passes to leave class (bathroom, primarily). It will require you to use your chromebook to request a pass.
Unless otherwise noted, the consequences for not adhering to these expectations are as follows.
Verbal warning
Conference with student
Parent contact
Detention (lunch or after school)
Referral to office
In the event that the school has to switch to a virtual learning environment...
Should we experience eLearning days, check Google Classroom for information
If the decision is made to hold class "live" through a virtual meeting, use proper netiquette
If class is held asynchronously (not online with the rest of the class),
- Complete attendance form before midnight to be counted present!
- Complete all assignments by the assigned due date.
- Contact teacher with any questions via email.
- Use teacher office hours wisely! They are there to help you!
Respect the time set for office hours.
Have questions and material ready before meet
Dress appropriately if the camera is on during the meet.
Mute your microphone unless speaking in order to cause less distraction during the meet.
Ask questions! You can unmute and ask or you can ask through the chat.
Grades are cumulative through the end of each semester and will be based on demonstrated mastery of concepts and development of skills. Updated grade reports will be available through the school portal so students and parents may continually monitor academic progress. Progress reports will go out every four and a half weeks. Student performance will be assessed in two areas: major and minor assignments (typically tests and class quizzes). Homework is optional (say you want to finish classwork before the next day's quiz) but ungraded. Each of these areas will be weighted and used to determine letter grades as follows:
Weighted Categories
Major: 60%
Minor: 40%
Period Weighting
First Quarter (Q1): 45%
Second Quarter (Q2): 45%
Final Exam: 10%
Grade Equivalence
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: below 60
A "bellringer quiz" based completely on the previous day's classwork is given each day. A student's weekly grade for these short quizzes will be entered as a minor grade. Additional minor grades will also be given for longer quizzes between major tests.
In addition to these weekly grades, extra points can be earned when students stretch themselves and engage in class discussions or group solutions.
A comprehensive test to measure students’ mastery of skills and concepts will be given at the end of each unit. The concepts and skills being evaluated will be reviewed the day before the test. A variety of test formats may be used. The unit tests can be a combination of skills taught in previous units and the current unit. Cumulative tests will be given at the beginning of the semester, the end of quarter 1, and the end of quarter 2. These tests are designed to ensure that students are mastering topics that will guarantee success in this course and future math courses. Absences before the test date do not excuse a student from taking the test as scheduled. At the end of the semester, students will take a final exam over all the material. It will count 10% of the final grade. From time to time, test corrections will be allowed for adjusting a grade (but only earning half the credit for revised answers).
Quizzes, tests, and the exam are open notebook. If you take good notes or show your work when doing exercises, this can help you immensely. Good note-taking is a vital skill both in school and "the real world".
Parental Communication
Backpack is the most efficient way to monitor your child’s progress. Every parent is able to create their own login. If you do not have this information, the guidance office can provide you with this information. E-mail is my preferred method of contact, though I will also contact you via phone. Be aware phone calls are directed to voicemail during the school day. I will return your call within 24 hours.
Honor Code
As a member of the Berea High community, we share a commitment to honor and integrity. We value those things that are right and decent; we reject any behavior that fails to meet those standards. Therefore, any act of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.

MathIA Alignment for Algebra 2
Mathia may be utilized as a supplemental tool.