
Classroom Expectations: It is an expectation that all WHHS students exhibit good citizenship at all times.

  1. Respect the rights of others to learn

  2. Respect the property rights of all

  3. Be punctual and engaged in class from bell to bell

  4. Arrive in classes prepared

  5. Strive for success in each class daily

  6. Assist in keeping rooms/school clean & tidy

  7. Act at all times with honor, dignity, and integrity

Attendance and Make up Policy:

Attendance is imperative for students’ success in school. I will follow the policies outlined in the handbook. Students have 5 days after returning to school from an excused absence to make up missed work or tests that were assigned while they were absent. The student is responsible for checking the Google calendar on my website or google classroom to see what was missed. Google classroom will include notes taken and worksheets handed out. Upon returning to school, the student is responsible for checking the make-up work folder to pick up missed assignments and speaking with me to schedule a time to make up tests and quizzes.

  • Minor assessments will consist of class assignments, Google Form Assignments, KWL charts, and writing assignments.

  • Major assessments will consists of projects, essays, as well as multiple choice and short answer tests.

  • Late work: In order to receive credit for work, it must be submitted when it is due. 10 points will be deducted for each day it is late.

  • Test Corrections: Each student will be able to complete 1 test correction for each test, student must notify me at least 24 hours in advance. Student will be allowed to use any materials or resource to find the correct answer, but must explain in their own words why it is the right answer. If all answers are corrected this way, student will make up half of the missed grade. (For example: if the student made a 70 as the original grade, they can potentially make an 85 with the test make up).

Tardy policy: Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their seats by the time the bell rings or if they are late to class for any reason that is unexcused. After 3 tardies, students will be referred to an administrator in place of the usual after-school detention.


  • 3 ring binder with dividers

  • Notebook paper (college rule)

  • Pencil or pen

The common syllabus for Human Geography CP, which is used by all sections of HG at WHHS, has all the information for the pacing of the course, the curriculum standards covered, and calculating grades and can be found on my website.