Magnet 2024 PDF

Greenville High Magnet Open House took place on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.

The presentation given at the 2024 Open House is posted above.  

If you are interested in a school tour (given Mondays-Thursdays between 9 am and 12 pm), please contact Kathryn Rowan. Contact information is listed below. 

General Magnet FAQ's (Important to Read if Applying): FAQ's

 Magnet Open House Dates 

Magnet applications will be available via GCS Parent Backpack during specified windows of time stated in the Application Round Schedule 


 Parent Backpack Directions:  To access the online magnet application, parents should login into their Parent Backpack account. Parents of students outside of Greenville County Schools can create a new user account. Once logged into Parent Backpack, select "Programs" from the column on the left. Then select "Apply to a Program." Available programs will show on the screen. Select "Apply" beside Magnet Academies to begin the application process.

**Parents will be able to apply for multiple magnet academies within the same online application, but they will only be able to submit the magnet application once. Parents should make sure to select all schools for which their student desires to apply and complete all sections of the application before selecting submit.**

Admission into magnet academies is open to all eligible students, but spaces are limited. Students may apply to more than one magnet academy. Applications are scored based on four criteria:  attendance, discipline, academic performance, and a student statement indicating why the student would like to attend the magnet academy. Students who apply and qualify during the first application round have a greater chance of being offered a slot than those students who apply and qualify in later rounds.

Siblings of magnet students who will return the following school year to the school have priority of acceptance in Round 1.  If magnet slots are available after all siblings who have qualified are placed, non-siblings will be accepted beginning with the highest to the lowest qualifying scores until the school’s assigned magnet slots have been filled. A lottery system is used when there are more qualifying students than available slots. Qualifying students not selected for a magnet academy are placed on a waiting list.

Magnet Focus Courses 

Other Information about our Magnet Program 

Greenville Senior High Academy of Law, Finance, and Business offers broad exposure to the student's chosen magnet strand through an in-depth study of various topics and engagement in problem-based learning activities that extend students' understanding of legal, finance and business issues and concepts in the 21st century.

While engaging in activities such as Mock Trial, Business Marketing, and Entrepreneurship students develop a better understanding of their field of study and are better prepared to serve the community.


Whether students are interested in pursuing a career in the legal profession or in law enforcement, this program will meet their needs. This program introduces students to topics in law, criminal justice and public policy. Students will engage in challenging yet stimulating instruction designed to give them a better understanding of their field of study.


The Finance program prepares students to compete in the ever changing, highly specialized professions that are driving our global society. Students will be introduced to topics from the financial world such as banking, securities, and financial planning. Students who complete this field of study will be better prepared to serve our community and manage their own personal finances. 

 For more info. about our Credit Union on campus:  The Branch at Greenville High-Greenville Federal Credit Union 


This pathway is designed to prepare students to understand the global context of business and its impact on society. Students will be offered courses to apply to real situations in the business world. Completion of this course of study will help students to understand the sound decisions that must be made when involved in the business world.