Cellphones and Headphones

Student Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones are not permitted in classrooms.  Students must ensure that cell phones are silenced and stored out of sight before entering any classroom.

Cell phones are allowed in the Common Areas.

Cell phones are allowed during the 6-minute class change window but are still not allowed in any classroom.

Cell phones are allowed in the Cafeterias during student lunches.

Cell phones are allowed after the 3:45 dismissal bell.

Violations will result in a disciplinary referral to administration.

Teachers may authorize the use of cell phones for a specific educational purpose.

Earbuds/Headphones Policy

Earbuds and headphones are allowed before school in the Common Areas, during lunch and after school.

Earbuds and headphones are not allowed in hallways or during class transitions.  

Violations will result in a disciplinary referral to administration.

Teachers may authorize the use of earbuds and headphones for a specific educational purpose.