Classroom Expectations

Students are expected to follow school rules as outlined in the handbook. In addition, each student should adhere to the following:

1. Be on time. You must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings, and unless directed otherwise, remain seated until you are dismissed.

2. Be fully prepared for class.

a. Sharpen pencils and take care of any other business before the tardy bell rings. Class will start immediately after the bell.

b. Have your book, notebook, paper, and pencil for class everyday.

c. Complete all assignments given.

3. Be kind, courteous, and respectful of others.

a. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

b. Do not talk while others are talking, disrupt class, talk excessively, or make unnecessary comments.

4. Give your undivided attention to this class for the entire time you are in class.

a. Put all other materials away (personal notes/other subjects homework).

b. No foods, drinks, or gum allowed (with the exception of water in a clear closed container).


The tardy policy is outlined in the student handbook.

Other disruptive actions will result in the following:

1st offense—Teacher warning

2nd offense—Parent contact

3rd offense or more—dealt with by administration

Any severe disruption will result in immediate referral to an Assistant Principal or Counselor.