CTC Criteria

The Charles Townes Center (CTC) is designed to have a capacity of 90 students per grade for grades three through eight. Initial entry into the Center at the third grade is based on three student performance dimensions….reasoning ability as measured by nationally standardized aptitude assessments, achievement as measured by nationally standardized assessments, and classroom performance as a composite of four authentic student performance measures. The student must meet the criteria in two of the three dimensions in order to qualify for admission to the Center.

Students will be admitted at third grade on the priority basis outlined in the selection process summary included in this document. Should more than 90 qualifying students commit to enroll in the program in the steps outlined, a lottery will be conducted at the latest step in the process to determine those to be admitted at that step. Those admitted in prior steps would not be affected.

Additional opportunities for entry are offered to students at grades 4 through 7, pending space available. Should more than 90 qualifying students commit to enroll in the program in the steps outlined, a lottery will be conducted at the latest step in the process to determine those to be admitted at that step. Those admitted in prior steps would not be affected.

To be eligible for admission to the program, the student must meet the gifted and talented program requirements mandated by the state of South Carolina and found at https://ed.sc.gov/instruction/standards-learning/advanced-academic-programs/gifted-and-talented/. Although the criteria for this program are more rigorous, this selection process is designed specifically to mirror that of South Carolina’s gifted and talented program as noted in Regulation 43-220 South Carolina Code of Laws.

Initial Entry: Grade 3

The student must meet the criteria in two of the following three categories.

I. Aptitude

  • Cognitive School Ability Test (CogAT) Age Norms

  • Grade Norms-- Composite score only

II. Achievement

  • Measures of Academic Progress

    • Mathematics and Reading or Language


  • Iowa

    • Reading Comprehension and Mathematics (without computation)

III. Performance

Composite measure consisting of :

  • Classroom Performance

o Reading grade (end of first semester, grade 2)

o Mathematics grade (end of first semester, grade 2)

  • Writing

    • District benchmark assessment

    • Winter…grade 2


      • Authentic: actual writing sample

      • Census-tested at grade 2

      • Based on state writing rubric

      • Validated prompts based on state- and district-determined anchor papers

    • Scoring Criteria*

      • Structure…………………………………3 points

      • Language Conventions….……………..3 points

      • Development…………………………....3 points

      • Composite……………………….………9 points

* Based on the judgments of two scorers

  • Reading

    • District benchmark assessment

    • Winter…grade 2

    • Measure: Percent Accuracy


      • Authentic

      • Census-tested at grade 2

      • Based on Reading Recovery of North America principles/standards developed at The Ohio State University

Performance Dimension Rating Rubric

Reading grade

  • 99-100 7 points

  • 97-98 5 points

  • 95-96 3 points

  • 93-94 1 point

Mathematics grade

  • 99-100 7 points

  • 97-98 5 points

  • 95-96 3 points

  • 93-94 1 point

Reading Benchmark Assessment (Percent Accuracy)

  • 99-100 7 points

  • 97-98 5 points

  • 95-96 3 points

  • 93-94 1 point

Writing Benchmark Assessment

Rubric-based score………………1 through 9 points

Composite Performance………Maximum 30 points



  • Aptitude and achievement measures are expressed in national percentile ranks. Iowa reading comprehension has a ceiling percentile of 97 in grade 2;

  • MAP scores are derived from grade 2 fall administration.

  • The student must meet the criteria in two of the three dimensions. Example: Aptitude and Achievement, Achievement and Performance, or Aptitude and Performance.

Entry: Grade 4

Students who deferred enrollment in third grade (qualified in third grade, but chose not to attend) will be able to enroll in the fourth grade as long as seats are available.

Entry: Grade 5

Step 1: Students who earn achievement scores on the MAP or ITBS at the 99th percentile in math and reading/language are offered the opportunity to attend the Charles Townes Center as long as seats are available.

Step 2: Students who earn achievement scores on the MAP or ITBS at the 98th percentile in math and reading/language are offered the opportunity to attend the Charles Townes Center as long as seats are available.

Entry: Grade 6

Students who deferred enrollment in fifth grade will be able to enroll in sixth grade as long as seats are available.

Entry: Grade 7

Step 1: Students who earn achievement scores on the MAP or ITBS at the 99th percentile in math and reading/language are offered the opportunity to attend the Charles Townes Center as long as seats are available.

Step 2: Students who earn achievement scores on the MAP or ITBS at the 98th percentile on math and reading/language are offered the opportunity to attend the Charles Townes Center as long as seats are available.

Entry: Grade 8

Students who deferred enrollment in seventh grade will be able to enroll in eighth grade as long as seats are available.

Entry: Initial District Enrollees

Students enrolling for the first time in Greenville County Schools will be considered for admission to the Charles Townes Center according to process subsequently outlined. First time enrollees may include students from private schools, home schools, out-of-district schools, or out-of-state schools.

Step 1: Students who earn composite scores on a nationally-normed aptitude test at the 99th age or grade percentile and scores on a nationally-normed achievement test at the 99th percentile in math and reading/language are offered the opportunity to attend the Charles Townes Center as long as seats are available. Students meeting only the achievement criterion may take an aptitude test upon parent request.

Step 2: Until an enrollment of 90 students is reached, students who earn composite scores on a nationally-normed aptitude test at the 98th age or grade percentile and scores on a nationally-normed achievement test at or above the 98th percentile on math and reading/language are offered the opportunity to attend the Charles Townes Center as long as seats are available.

Home schooled and private school students who wish to be considered for admission to The Charles Townes Center may register for aptitude testing. Information about this testing will be posted on The Sterling School website during the first quarter of the school year. Testing will be scheduled for October. Preregistration is required.

CTC Criteria Chart for Website.pdf