Gator Wellness

Gator Wellness Mission Statement

SEL School-Wide Shared Vision: At Rudolph Gordon School, all stakeholders are dedicated to support our students and adults through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).  By integrating SEL into school wide practices and instruction, we foster a compassionate, safe environment where students are encouraged to learn and become healthy, productive members of society.

What is sel? 

Social emotional learning, or SEL, is a process through which adults and children learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive relationships, make good decisions and behave ethically, respectfully, and reasonably

Why and How 

Our goal at RGS is to help build safe and supportive environments that set the foundation for equitable, engaging, and high-quality instruction to take place. 

Social Emotional Learning Competencies

SEL Foundations 

The aim of SEL foundations at RGS is to raise awareness of the role of the SEL 5 competences (self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, social awareness, and responsible decision making) play in creating safe, engaging, culturally responsive, and personalized learning experiences for students and adults. 

Core SEL Practices @ RGS: