Coach chambers 

pe class

Class overview

The goal of PE is to encourage students to become life long movers. Life long movers are people that have picked an activity to do that they enjoy and made the decision to do it for a long time. My goal is to offer many different games and experiences so that you might find a game or activity to do for a long time as well!!



Planning - 8:30-8:55

2nd Period - 9:00-9:46

3rd Period - 9:51-10:37

Planning/Lunch - 10:40-11:35

4th Period - 11:38-12:23

5th Period - 12:28-1:13

Planning - 1:13-1:35

6th Period - 1:38-2:24

7th Period - 2:29-3:15

Please visit your Google Classroom for lesson plans and assignments. Parents, please contact me if you  have not been added to your child's Google Classroom.

Parents and students need to know the following terms in Powerschool:  

GFA=Grade Floor Applied

Your child showed mastery on less than 50% percent of the information being assessed, resulting in less than 50 out of 100 possible points.


NHI=Not Handed In

Your student has not turned in this assignment.

Sexual Health and Responsibility Education Unit will be taught 11/8- 11/19 to students currently enrolled in PE.  Complete details of the district’s age appropriate, abstinence-based sexual health & responsibility education curriculum can be previewed at the school 10/25-11/5 if you would like to view it. If you do not want your child to participate in the sexual health & responsibility education class or a specific portion of the class, you must bring the signed exemption form (linked HERE) to the front office in person. By School Board Policy and SC Comprehensive Health Education Law, students who exempt sexual health & responsibility education will be required to complete other health-related self-study lessons.