
Bryson Middle School Attendance Clerk- Naomi Clay / 864-355-2101


We hope the information you find here is helpful and answers any questions you have about student attendance for the school year. Below are a few reminders to help you and your student have a successful year at Bryson Middle School.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Clay, our Attendance Clerk.

Review the Attendance Policies and Procedures

Click here to submit a note for your student's absence

Click here to submit a doctor's note


Early Dismissals

A student who needs an early dismissal will bring a note written and signed by the parent/guardian to the attendance clerk in the front office. 

Late Arrival or Tardy to School

Punctuality is a critical work-related skill that a person can learn. It directly correlates to an individual’s success in the business world. Parents should have students at school on time each day. Furthermore, students are expected to be in their individual classes on time. Late arrival (tardiness) results in interruptions to the learning process.

Tardies will be entered into the student’s attendance record.