School starts promptly at 8:30 am.
No early dismissals after 2:45 pm.
School is dismissed at 3:15 pm.
Student's must be in attendance until 11:30 to be considered present for the day.
A parent must send a note for ANY absence within 3 days of the absence or it will remain unexcused.
Absence notes & doctor's excuses can be faxed: 864-355-1490 or
Important attendance information:
It is critically important that GCS maintain accurate records of student participation in order to ensure, to the extent possible, the safety and security of children when they are not in school. Schools are an important part of children’s safety net and help ensure children are being treated properly, cared for, fed, and supervised. Reporting a student as truant is a way to ensure that child’s safety and is not for the purpose of being punitive.
Daily student attendance will be taken in both the Virtual Program and the traditional program. Students are expected to complete all work assigned through the Virtual Program or in-person, and eLearning. Failure to complete all assignments in a timely manner (to be determined by the teacher) will impact the student’s grades.
•TARDIES Doors open at 7:30 a.m. to receive students. Instruction begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. Students should arrive no later than 8:20 a.m. in order to visit their locker and report to class prior to the bell. Excessive tardies may result in disciplinary action.
•EARLY DISMISSALS No early dismissals will be granted after 2:45 p.m. School dismissal begins at 3:15 p.m.
•ATTENDANCE Attendance is taken each class period throughout the day. Students are considered absent from a period if they miss more than one-half of that period. Students must remain in school for 3 hours to be considered present for the day. Therefore, they must arrive by 12:15 p.m. and leave no earlier than 11:30 p.m. to be considered present for their daily attendance record.
•ABSENCES Any time your child is absent, a note must be provided upon his/her return to school. Absences without notes are considered unexcused. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all notes to the attendance office or you may click on the link provided to submit a note. Absences that are considered lawful include: illness of the student, bereavement and recognized religious holidays. Unlawful absences include: absences without the knowledge of a parent or an absence without lawful cause with the knowledge of a parent.
Students must present a written excuse, signed by a parent/legal guardian or a medical professional, for all absences within 3 days of the student’s return to school. The written excuse should include the reason for and the date of absence. Without a valid written excuse, the absence will be recorded as unlawful. Absences in excess of 10 days will not be considered excused with a parent/guardian note unless accompanied by official medical documentation or approved by the principal.
•MAKE UP WORK Students are responsible to make arrangements with teachers to make up any work missed due to an absence.
•TRUANCY A student is considered truant when he/she accumulates three (3) consecutive or five (5) total unexcused absences.
Click Here to access the Greenville County Schools Attendance Services website.
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