Mrs. Tingom's Website

Room B109 355-6500

This website is designed to provide information for students and parents about my classes. Please refer to the menu above to navigate to the specific class of interest.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss my classroom and your student! Please feel free to contact me at with specific questions or concerns. My direct phone number is 355-6567. During the school day, my phone goes directly to voicemail. I will return your voicemail or email within 24 hours.

I am available on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM and by appointment (before or after school) in order to help students individually. Students should reach out to me via email or REMIND text to set up a help session.

Teaching Schedule for our Spring Semester 2:

1st Block: AP Literature and Composition

2nd Block: English 4 H

3rd Block: Planning

4th Block: English 4H