Mrs. Hunter's Second Grade Class

Welcome to Mrs. Hunter's class! Check out the other pages to see what is going on in our classroom!


Class Mission Statement: Our mission in second grade is to work hard to prepare us for third grade. We want to get an education in order to grow to be good citizens who are problem solvers!

**Information for Next 10 Days**

Over the next two weeks feel free to contact me with any questions. You can reach me by the following ways.

NOTE: We are off 3/20 and 3/23. I will NOT be available those days.


Phone: (864) 355 2637

Remind 101: @3g7kc2

**Please refer to my website tab and Newsletter (10 day packet) for packets, schedule, and websites for you student.**

Look here for updates from the district:

If you need Ms. Moore, our guidance counselor, here is her email. Also, look at my website tab for ways to destress and her website. :)