
Academic Support for Science

Science is a way of understanding the physical universe using observation and experimentation to explain natural phenomena. Science also refers to an organized body of knowledge that includes core ideas to the disciplines and common themes that bridge the disciplines. The Science Programs of the School District are anchored in an inquiry approach to science learning. Students from Kindergarten through 12th grade participate in hands-on investigations in order to develop a deeper understanding of science concepts.

Science instruction is guided by the South Carolina Science Standards. All district curricula are aligned with the SC standards which are tested through SC READY grades 4 and 6 and EOCEP in Biology 1. Test questions will measure the practice and/or the core content of the performance indicator. In addition, most performance indicators may be assessed with items that utilize any of the science and engineering practices. Items may also assess students’ understanding of the core content without a science and engineering practice. Click on the links below to access additional information:

SC READY Science

Science Standards and Supporting Documents

The high school course standards and performance indicators for Biology 1 will be used as the basis for the state-required End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) for Biology 1. Click on the links below to access additional information:

End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP)

South Carolina’s Vision for Science Education Academic Standards 

Beginning in Kindergarten and extending each year through 12th grade, all students will be provided with a coherent K-12 progression of authentic and relevant learning experiences where they actively engage in science and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of each field’s disciplinary core ideas. South Carolina students will build readiness for college, career, and lifelong learning through the integration of the three dimensions into standards, curriculum, instruction, and local and state assessment, and through the feature of engineering and technology alongside of natural sciences (physical science, life sciences, and Earth and space sciences). South Carolina students will be prepared to:

Framework for the New SC Science Standards:

The new SC Academic Standards and Performance Indicators for Science  are rooted in three components:

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Earth Science

Life Science

Physical Science

Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science

Cross-cutting Concepts:

These cross-cutting concepts represent thematic elements of science that students should come to recognize across all science content and standards they learn both within and across grade levels.

Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs):

Asking questions (science) – Defining problems (engineering)

Developing and using models

Planning and carrying out investigations

Analyzing and interpreting data

Using mathematical and computational thinking

Constructing explanations (science) – Designing solutions (engineering)

Engaging in argumentation

Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Construct devices or design solutions


Stephanie Calloway
Academic Specialist for 6-12 Science | (864) 355-5395

Katie Delloso
Academic Specialist for K-5 Science/STEAM | (864) 355-3187