Store – Do Not Cut Gardens Back in Fall
Use this template as a guide to write your own letter. An example is given below. See also: How to Use the Templates.
Re: Store Garden
I have been a (NAME OF STORE) shopper for (AMOUNT OF TIME).
I really enjoyed the native plant pollinator garden you had outside of the (LOCATION NAME) store all summer but was surprised to see it was all cut back the last time I shopped at the store.
I am writing to encourage you, next year, to not cut the garden back in the fall. If you leave the stalks up during the winter, they provide shelter to native bees, who nest inside the hollow stems. When the garden is cut back, especially in a shopping area filled with asphalt and cement, they have no other habitat.
In addition, if you don’t cut the garden down, seedheads can provide food for overwintering birds. Plus, the stems and leaves become a base of mulch for the new crop each spring.
I hope you will consider this suggestion for next year. I think it is wonderful that you (NAME SOMETHING YOU LOVE ABOUT THE STORE). Thank you for all you do!
Best regards,
Help Your Town or HOA
I help municipalities and homeowners associations develop policies that promote native plants and pollinators.
This example will give you an idea of how to use this template.
Re: Store Garden
Dear Ms. Perez,
I have been a Natural Foods shopper for many years.
I really enjoyed the native plant pollinator garden you had outside of the City Center store all summer but was surprised to see it was all cut back the last time I shopped at the store.
I am writing to encourage you, next year, to not cut the garden back in the fall. If you leave the stalks up during the winter, they provide shelter to native bees, who nest inside the hollow stems. When the garden is cut back, especially in a shopping area filled with asphalt and cement, they have no other habitat.
In addition, if you don’t cut the garden down, seedheads can provide food for overwintering birds. Plus, the stems and leaves become a base of mulch for the new crop each spring.
I hope you will consider this suggestion for next year. I think it is wonderful that you promote a healthy environment in all your stores. Thank you for all you do!
Best regards,
Kayla Johnson
Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash.