Our Staff

Staff Writers

Quinn Asbell

HI my name is Quinn Asbell and I like the color blue, pandas, math, and art.

Trenton Bright

Hey kids, I'm Trenton. My favorite animal is the capybara, but most of the things I do revolve around ferrets. I want to own a Burmese python, I will feed it live creature like rats. I believe in ghosts and everything scary (that's probably why I can't sleep at night.)

Justin Evans

Hi I'm Justin Evans and I like to run, eat leaves, play with fire, swim, and not do my homework. I also HATE tug of war.

Bella Green

Yo, I'm Bella. I like food. My favorite things to do are watch Netflix, read, write, doodle, and doll customizing.

Ty Ishikawa

'Sup- I'm Ty, and I have an unhealthy obsession with movies, drawing, manga, and food! ;) **YEET**

Lia Lofaro

LIA is now a weird and very talkative 8th GRADER who plays a lot of pranks on her friends, which they don't like her for very much. Still very good at existing, she's a bookworm and spends her time watching The Vampire Diaries (Season 3 as of September). Lia also plays the best instrument: clarinet.

Eleanor Mackenzie

I'm Eleanor, I hate sports and love reading. I'm a swimmer, I love pugs. I play oboe and cello, and I have two (mean) cats.

Maddie McCoy

Hi :) I'm Maddie, and I am one of the two authors of the Mystery Teacher articles. I love cheering and gymnastics, and I have seven pets. I love hanging out with friends and doing crafts.


Hello I am flowernectar and I like singing, drawing anime, anime , manga, animation on youtube , and gacha verse/ studios

MaKenna Nicholson

Hello, I'm Makenna! My favorite color is emerald and I may have an obsession with Harry Potter. My favorite animal is a snowy owl. I love sweaters and drinking hot tea!

Brianna Reece

Brianna is a very artistic person she love dogs and in a bit goofy sometimes, she loves to eat avocados.

(not raw of course)

Hannah Seaman

Hello, I'm Hannah and Mya wrote this bio for me. I am tiny, sassy, and obsessed….with myself. SELF CONFIDENCE.

Sydney Shrewsbury

My name is Sydney Shrewsbury. I play Roblox. I love sushi and have two dogs.

Alice Takimoto

Alice is a pianist who is obsessed with cats. She enjoys painting and collaging pictures, paper, etc. Also has interests in other instruments, even though she plays many of them. She's an 8th grader who just got hacked by the lovely LIA.

Nikki Williams

Hi! I'm Nikki Williams, in my free time I learn Sign Language, mainly to music. My favorite tv show is Teen Wolf and Supernatural. I can't live without music. I also love to draw.