
Barbara Williams

Greetings GOE community! I am Barbara Williams and I am serving as your PTA Secretary this year. This is my 5th year volunteering as a member of the PTA Board. We have two little Geckos that will be in 2nd and 5th grades this year :) Outside of Great Oaks I am a running coach and ultra distance runner - if you spend any time out on the trails you've probably seen me! I love to talk about running anytime - please say "Hi!"

I was invited to a PTA meeting by my awesome neighbor who happened to be a board member. I had no idea what to expect, and I was nervous. What I found was an incredible group of volunteers that were warm and welcoming. They recognized how special Great Oaks was and they continued to keep it special with the gift of their time. I found out that Great Oaks is an amazing school - amazing because of the wonderful administration and the teachers of course (we all know this!!), but also amazing because of the outstanding parent and community support that this board represents. I didn't realize what little funding our schools receive from the state compared to the taxes we pay. I had no idea how many of the special things at Great Oaks that our PTA is responsible for - computer programs, field trips, teacher supply grants, special events and enrichment programs, 1st grade egg incubators, teacher appreciation, and the list goes on... Special things that our little Geckos wouldn't have without our PTA. This is why I give my time. I want to make sure Great Oaks gets to stay this way - supported and special. 

But a special school takes more than just a small room of people to support it. Like most parents I can't give all of my time to volunteering, but I can give some of it. In that spirit I invite you to please consider doing the same, to please show your support. Sign up to run a party game, be a homeroom parent, decorate a door, send in a pie - make it a priority to volunteer this year in some way (or as many as you choose!!). Our kids are only this little for a very short time, giving one hour of yours can make a world of difference that your children may never forget!  Let's make this a fantastic year together!