
Lindsey Ledyard

My name is Lindsey, and I am excited to be the President for the Great Oaks Elementary PTA! I have two kids (1st & 4th) still currently attending Great Oaks and one in 7th grade at Cedar Valley. I grew up in the Round Rock Independent School District and graduated from McNeil High School many moons ago. I graduated from Texas A&M (Whoop!) and for my day job, I work as Sr. Tax Analyst at a large tech company. While I had always joined the PTA each year and paid my dues, I didn't know how to truly get involved as a working mom. During the 2021-2022 school year, I began reading with students through Education Connection and then met other parents on campus who were leaders within the PTA who encouraged me to get more involved. The first big event I helped with was the 2022 Carnival and I had a blast! Our former president later said she saw the "PTA Spark" in me and knew I would love being more involved - she was right!
I became a member of the PTA Board as a way to give back to our school community and have enjoyed meeting more parents, making new friends, and finding even smaller ways to support our school - whether that is through making taco meat for a luncheon or becoming a homeroom mom this school year. I used to think PTA was only for the parents that are able to stay at home, but I've come to realize that it is a place for every parent to participate - at whatever level works for their schedule. I wish I would have jumped in sooner! 
We are so fortunate to have a school environment that welcomes parental engagement and I love being able to support the amazing efforts of our teachers and staff every day.