21 October 2022

Creating foundations for bright futures

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents

We have had a great half term here at Grange Park with the children fully engaged in their wonderful learning. I can't believe the children in reception have already been in our school for half a term! They have all settled in really well, engrossed with their learning, particularly in their outdoor area!

The children in Year 6 children had an amazing time at PGL last week. It was lovely to hear that they were all really supportive of each other, were great at persevering and working as a team! I know you will join me in thanking the staff for their hard work, time and patience!

It was great to see so many reception and year 1 parents attend the phonics workshops, scroll down for the links to the slides. Do note the dates for the coming parent workshops this term which includes Maths workshop for parents and a workshop on supporting your child with emotional regulation.

We are looking forward to our Autumn Term Come Learn With Me which is in early November. This is a great opportunity for parents to come into school and work alongside their child in the classroom! See the dates below.

Hope you all have a restful half term and see you all back at school on Monday 31 October.

With my very best wishes

Tijen Hassan


Term Dates, Holidays and School Closures

Dates for Diary

Class Assemblies and Concerts

Come Learn With Me Dates

See below dates for our Autumn Term Come Learn With Me dates. This is an exciting opportunity to come into your child's classroom and learn alongside your child!

Keeping Children Safe

NSPCC's Underwear Rule

In our PSHE lessons Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 have been discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule. This is designed to teach pupils how to stay safe from sexual abuse, without giving explicit information or telling scary stories or even using the term “sexual abuse.”

In this lesson, children have learnt about ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which stands for:

  • Privates are private

  • Always remember your body belongs to you

  • No means no

  • Talk about secrets that upset you

  • Speak up, someone can help

The lesson has been delivered in a fun way that’s fully age-appropriate. More information about the Underwear Rule, including a short film and a parent guide can be found here.

Online Safety Awareness

Please see the Link for the handouts from the recent online safety course for parents.

Attendance Every School Day Counts!

Raise your child’s attendance and raise their chances: Missing school means missing out, attending regularly allows your child to:

  1. Access learning

  2. Be involved in all aspects of school life

  3. Feel prepared for lessons each day

  4. Make friendships and develop social skills

  5. Be better prepared for secondary school

Do you know what your child’s attendance is and what it means? 90% sounds good doesn’t it? But is it?

Good punctuality and regular attendance is essential for successful learning. Our children need to be in school to achieve their best.

Attendance of 85% every year through your child’s primary education is equivalent to missing an entire year at school!

Missing out on school means missing out on learning. When children miss school they fall behind in class. When children have too many gaps in their learning they find it very difficult to catch up.

Lateness also equals lost learning.

When children arrive late to class it is disruptive to the rest of the class and can make your child feel embarrassed, unsettled and upset about going into a lesson.

Here are some good ways to encourage good attendance:

  1. Know the routines of the school day, e.g. have they got their reading book?

  2. Help to get everything ready the night before e.g. uniform, snack.

  3. Establish a good bedtime routine so your child can sleep well and make mornings less of a struggle.

  4. Praise and reward good attendance, even small successes e.g. getting ready

Let's work together to encourage great attendance

  1. Be particularly watchful and supportive in the run up to any assessments

  2. Talk to us - we may be able to help and support you and your child if they sometimes want to stay at home. You are not alone, we can work together to find solutions so that little problems don’t become big ones!

  3. Help them to catch up on missed work.

Other ways to support your child’s attendance:

  1. Report your child’s absence straight away on ParentMail

  2. Only allow days at home for genuine illness (you will know!)

  3. Avoid taking holidays during term time, these are not authorised

  4. Medical appointments should be made (or changed to) out of school hours

As Parents it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child comes to school regularly and on time. All absence and lateness is monitored by the school and the Local Authority’s Education Welfare Officer.

If Grange Park can improve their attendance overall by 1%, they will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment (DfE). Please help us and your child by ensuring their attendance remains above 97% allowing them to achieve their full potential.

Well done to our classes that achieved our whole school target of 97%! Broomfield family, you have also achieved our whole school target and we are proud of you for this achievement. The winning class in this family is…Robin! Wow, keep up the great work!

While you were close to our school attendance target (97%), you didn’t quite make it Grovelands family. We do however want to congratulate both Kingfisher and Oak class who were above the school target, with Kingfisher coming out as the class with the best attendance. Keep up the great work!

While you were close to our school attendance target (97%), you didn’t quite make it Oakwood family. We would however like to congratulate Dragonfly and Jaguar class who were above our school target, Jaguar our overall winner in this family!

While you were close to our school attendance target (97%), you didn’t quite make it Trent family. We would however like to congratulate Willow and Tiger class who were above our school target, Willow our overall winner in this family!

This half term we have a whopping 410 children who have achieved 100% attendance. We are very proud of these children and they have been celebrated in our assemblies this week. Keep it up!

A huge well done goes to Broomfield family - the only family to be hitting our school target of 97% attendance this half term!

Curriculum News

School Parliament

We are pleased and excited to announce School Parliament 2022-2023. Since the start of term, Year 6 and children across the school have been working hard writing applications and preparing speeches ready for the elections that took place on Monday 3 October. The Year 6 MPs made excellent speeches during family assemblies, outlining brilliant manifestos that we can see having a great impact on the children’s experiences at Grange Park. They spoke confidently and with clarity whilst filling the room with anticipation of what was to come. The whole school voted for the speeches and MPs that they thought would best represent the school and have the most impact. As well as this, children in class had the opportunity to tell their peers why they would make a good councillor so that they would vote for them.

Our MPs for 2022-2023 are:

Our Class Councillors are:

The first meeting for MPs took place this week where they found out what real MPs do and shared some wonderful ideas of initial starting points. MPs will be helping to support assemblies this year, delivering family assemblies with the family lead and creating inspirational people assemblies. They will be continuing to improve our playground provision, ensuring that there are plenty of activities for children to take part in during lunchtime play. They will also be focusing on supporting mental health, the acts of kindness programme and making sure that pupil voice is heard. We will be holding a full Parliament meeting early in the second half of the autumn term and will be feeding back to Tijen very soon. Watch this space for the exciting things to come!

Sustainability News: Airbus Collecting Spare Debris

This week, Year 5 were lucky enough to have visitors from Airbus come to work with the children. They are currently working on a way to retrieve rock samples from Mars and return them to Earth. They explained that an issue with space is the amount of debris. The children had to design a robot that would collect the debris safely then create a model using recycled materials. This showed them that resources can be reused for important purposes.

Sports Updates

This term has seen our yr 5/6 Girls and Boys football teams competing in league games at Southgate school and a tournament at St John Secondary school. Well done to all our boys and girls who competed!

Next term we will see the children from Year 4-6 competing in Netball , Gymnastics, Football and Tag Rugby Competitions.

Mini Marathon

Over the course of the last three weeks, 796 children from Nursery to year 6 have taken part in the sponsored Grange Park Mini Marathon to help raise money for our school playgrounds and provide much needed resources for the children to engage in purposeful play during lunchtime. Coinciding with the TCS London Marathon, the children have run, jogged or walked 2.6 miles, 45 minutes over three days. This was a challenge, and for some a really big challenge, as they have never covered this sort of distance before. We were so proud of how they persevered. We could see on a lot of their faces that they wanted to stop and sit down at times, but they kept on going! They showed great unity in their year groups by cheering on and encouraging the others. We were equally proud of our Year 6 helpers who really supported the runners with their motivational high fives and mantras.

Don’t worry if you haven't collected all of your money yet, there is still time to bring in your sponsor money. Alternatively you can make a direct donation to our just giving page.

As well as the school mini marathon, on the 1st October 2022, 86 children from Grange Park Primary School took part in the first ever TCS Mini London Marathon. The children, wearing their special mini marathon numbered bib, set off from the start line by Horseguards Parade. They ran the one mile distance towards Buckingham Palace (giving King Charles III a wave as they went past), into Green Park before crossing the finish line further along the Mall. The spectators cheered the runners on as did the police officers on bicycles who escorted the children along the track. As they ran up to the finish line the loudspeaker called out a huge well done to the children of Grange Park. Well done everyone for taking part. We are incredibly proud of you and it was so wonderful to have the school buzzing with talk of the marathon last week and of course to see all of your medals.

Well done also to our very own Hannah Barnard, class teacher to Leopard class, for completing her first London Marathon in 4 hours and 23 minutes. Hannah raised a whopping £1600 for Shooting Stars Children’s Hospice. Hannah had an amazing day and is considering her next Marathon, possibly in New York or further afield.

As we know, physical exercise provides us with a range of benefits, including helping us to feel happier, improving our concentration and alertness as well as improving our physical health and fitness and we hope that by taking part in the TCS Mini London Marathon, we might have inspired some of our future.

Times Tables Rockstars

Top performers

Most coins earned - last 28 days

  1. Tobias (3 Cedar) - 150,618

  2. Keon (3 Cedar) - 99,832

  3. Theo (5 Mercury) - 68,645

Most improved accuracy - last 28 days

  1. Eli (6 Lowry)

  2. Emily (3 Willow)

  3. Ishani (3 Oak)

Most improved studio speed - last 28 days

  1. Mia (3 Ash)

  2. Carmel (6 Picasso)

  3. Isabella (5 Mercury)

Below is a useful guide for parents, outlining how TTRS works and how each mode is used to help develop such a crucial part of your child’s mathematics.

Information for Parents

Tax Free Credit-Clubs

Did you know you can get up to £500 tax-free childcare every 3 months for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare? You can use tax-free childcare to pay for Extend breakfast, afterschool and holiday club and enrichment clubs! Click here for more information.

Do you receive childcare vouchers through your employer? You may be able to use them to pay for our Extend club and Enrichment Clubs. Payment is made to the school via the childcare voucher provider and when the payment is received by the school we will manually credit the payment item on Parentmail. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Book Amnesty

We have discovered that there are a huge amount of overdue books (in excess of 1 100) from our school reading hub. It is very easy for our lovely books to find themselves on your children’s shelves at home so, Grange Park is calling a book amnesty next week! Please have a good look through your children’s bags, shelves and bedrooms and kindly return books that belong in the school reading hub. This way all of our children can have access to a wide range of wonderful books to take out regularly.

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to filling our reading hub shelves back up!

Please see the link for the Reception and Year 1 Phonics Parent Workshop.

Reception Phonics Parents Workshop

Year 1 Phonics Parent Workshop

Usborne Books

What can children bring to school?

We would like to take this opportunity to clarify our expectations on children bringing toys into school for use at play times and lunch. Children can bring in something that fits in their pocket. Therefore, they may bring a small amount of cards into school (if they can fit in their pocket) annuals and/or tins are not recommended at school. Children should take responsibility for anything they bring into school.


Please check with your child to see if they need to bring any equipment for their pencil cases that may have run out, e.g. new whiteboard bed, glue stick etc. Thank you!

KS2 Creative Design Home Learning Challenge

Are you looking to showcase your creative skills or even develop them? Then the ‘KS2 Adobe Creative challenge! is for you! As part of the home learning challenge across KS2, we would like you to choose one of the themed challenges based on making either a web page, video or flyer!

To enter, upload your final project/link to the assignment labelled ‘KS2 Adobe Creative Challenge’ on your Google Classroom. We look forward to seeing your entries! The winners will be announced in the first news round up after half term!

Are you looking to develop your coding skills? Do you enjoy problem solving and logical thinking? The Hour of Code challenges could be just for you! Click on this link to try out the Hour of Code challenges. Which one will you complete?

Other News

Building Work in School

Just to make you aware Contractors will be in school to replace the main doors and windows in the main hall over half term and the first week of the new term. We're looking forward to seeing the improvements!

The Pantry

The children were very excited and helped themselves to our new style salad bar. Even the staff were pleased and impressed with the improvements and the kitchen staff were proud of what they put together!

Thursday is Felix Day

Kandinsky Class are supporting The Felix Project. This charity prevents more than 25 tonnes of food entering landfill and helps distribute over 50,000 free meals each week.

Amazingly, at Grange Park, we have weekly deliveries on Thursday. There is a stall near the main gate. Please bring your own bags to collect this food as these are not provided. There is a one bag limit to ensure that this food is available for all.

The food can be past its ‘best before’ date, misshapen or just surplus. As we do not have time to check each item, please ensure you check the food your child is given.



Don't forget to follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all the news and events happening at Grange Park Primary!

GPPSA- News and Updates

We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.

The GPPSA is hosting a long awaited film night! The film will be shown in the main hall straight after school, staff volunteers will escort the children to the hall. The film will be decided by the children in school.

Tickets are £5. This includes popcorn and squash.

To book your tickets please follow the link below your year group and enter the password.

Years 4, 5 & 6 on Friday 4th November 3.25pm - 5pm


Password: Film22

Years 1, 2 & 3 on Friday 11th November 3.25pm - 5pm


Password: Film22

Should you have any queries please do contact us at: gppsa@hotmail.co.uk

Click to go to our Facebook page.

Go to instagram and follow us @Grangeparkprimaryassociation

Here is a fund page for anyone that would like to donate, any donation of any size will be gratefully received and help fund the items for the children that the school has prioritised for this year.

Signing up to easyfundraising which turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations.

Please click on the image.

Using the Amazon Smile link when buying items by pressing the logo and search for Grange Park Primary School Association. If you are buying anything from AMAZON please use the AMAZON SMILE app on your phone. Just go into your settings and convert your original app to the smile version and pick Grange Park Primary School as your charity.

Entering our school lottery - tickets are only £1 per week. There is a guaranteed winner each week and a chance to win £25,000! Click on the image to find out more.

Looking to get some new name stickers to personalise all your child’s uniform, shoes, books etc? Simply log onto the website as normal, shop and at the end add in our unique code 65741 before you check out. 24% from each order will be donated to our school. See the flyer on our website page for more information. Click on the image to find out more.

Stamptastic is the fastest way to name all your belongings. A personalised stamp made in the UK, usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing in labels! Please note that 20% commission from each order will be donated to our school. Click on the image to place your order.

One of the easiest ways for us to make money on our two Fayre/Festival days is through stall matching. If you work for any of these corporates or another company, please ask your HR department about Stall Matching and let the committee know.

Looking for a fun and crafty activity your kids will love? Try a Free ToucanBox (Click this link), P&P only and our school will receive £5. You can cancel the subscription at any time.

GPPSA - Looking to Help?

The GPPSA would like to remind all that without your support none of the fundraising is possible. If you would like to get more involved in anyway please let us know at gppsa@hotmail.co.uk or speak to any of the committee directly. We have a WhatsApp helpers group where information is shared and everyone is welcome to join! Please contact us to find out more.

Year Group News


Nursery has been busy investigating giant sunflower heads and plants from our school allotments. The children used their senses to touch and feel the heads, compare the different seeds and they were curious to smell the different sensory plants: lavender, rosemary and mint ‘smells like chewing gum…toothpaste’

They investigated independently using different tools and discovered new ways of collecting seeds: fingers, tweezers, forks and they worked collaboratively to take turns and assume different roles in their learning: sieving, collecting fallen seeds, picking seeds and counting seeds.


Reception have been growing in confidence and independence during lunchtimes. To support the children they had a visit from the Pantry who supply the lunches at school every day. The Pantry came to help the Reception children learn how to use their knife and fork.

The children had a variety of fruit and vegetables to practise cutting up including carrots, cucumber and apples. They learnt that their pointing finger should be on the top of their knife and fork and face towards their plate.

They were then taught to stab, slice and saw their food in order to successfully cut it. The children had time to practise and all did so well!

Finally they enjoyed tasting lots of different flavoured smoothies. To make the smoothies the teachers had to pedal as fast as they could to blend all the fruits. Mango was a firm favourite amongst all the classes!

Year 1

This half term Year 1’s RE topic has been Christianity, focusing on Harvest Festival. The children enjoyed visiting St Peter’s Church where Rev. Stephen kindly welcomed us, explaining the significance of Harvest and told the children the parable of the Ten Apples which explains the importance of sharing. The children left their own donations by the altar to be distributed to those in need in the community.

Year 2

Year 2's have been busy learning about London. They've explored maps, identified famous landmarks and in art have learnt different techniques to draw some of these buildings. They had a fantastic trip into London where they were able to get a birds eye view of many of the landmarks when they went on the London Eye.

Elara enjoyed seeing Big Ben from really high up as it didn’t look as big anymore. Daria said she really liked being able to see Buckingham Palace and wanted to know if the new King was there.

Year 3

What an exciting end to the term we have had in year 3, the children have settled well into key stage 2 life and are working hard on their learning. More hard work and progress to come!

This term we have been learning about plants in science and have recently visited our local nature reserve, Woodcroft Wildspace. This beautiful oasis among the houses has beehives, minibeasts, many varieties of trees and a pond. The children especially enjoyed pond dipping as there were so many tiny creatures to be discovered and identified, like mayfly larvae, diving beetles and water fleas.

As well as developing our knowledge in science we have also been developing our skills in art. Continuing to look at the work of artist Stephanie Peters and her amazing work related to natural disasters and fire. We have been producing our final outcomes by blending colours and creating textures for our backgrounds before using natural resources to create damaged trees in the foreground. The results have been very effective.

Year 4

In Year 4, within our Art lessons we have been learning about the famous artist Paul Cezanne. We have been looking at how Paul uses different tones and shading techniques to create a three dimensional effect within his still life pieces. We first created our own shading bar from ‘highlight’ to ‘shadow’ with various midtones in between. Then, we practised using different shading techniques to create a 3D effect. We then experimented with using watercolours to show a range of colour tones by varying the amount of paint and water on our brush. Our artwork shows where the light sources were illuminating an object as well as creating a shadow by the absence of light.

Year 4 have also been busy working collaboratively to build Sukkahs for the Jewish festival of Sukkot. They learnt that Jewish people come together in a Sukkah to have feasts and sleep inside, if the weather is appropriate. They build roofs with natural resources such as branches and leaves in order to have an autumnal theme. This reminds Jewish people of the time, they believe, God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness after they left Egypt.

Year 5

For DT this half term the year 5’s have been investigating and looking at what the vikings ate. They focused on viking stews and the various ingredients that were available to the vikings for making their stew. Firstly, each of the classes designed a viking stew with some ingredients sourced from our allotment. Then all the children had a chance to make a viking stew using slow cookers.

Year 6 - PGL

PGL at Windmill Hill, East Sussex. Throughout the week, the children took part in a range of activities: aeroball, abseiling, climbing, zip wire, trapeze, Jacob’s Ladder, archery, sports and team games, all aboard, campfire, disco and cluedo. Each day they enjoyed a range of delicious foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as consuming lots of ‘healthy’ snacks in their rooms!