Zero-mill Increase Bond • may 5, 2020

What is a Zero-Mill Increase Bond?

The Zero-Mill Increase Bond Proposal continues current millage rates for the next 6 years. This will provide additional funding for many exciting things in the district without raising taxes. This is the most exciting piece of "The Future is Now" for the community, because it would allow Grand Blanc Community Schools to make meaningful safety changes, refurnish our schools to meet the ever changing educational demands of the 21st century, and do necessary facility and maintenance updates. Approval would keep tax rates at the current level.

The Zero-Increase Bond begins by capturing a bond that was approved by the voters on October 2, 2001 and will be paid off May 1, 2020. That $20,000,000 bond was approved to build Mason Elementary, ​do additions to Indian Hill and Reid Elementaries, remodel Cook Elementary and Brendel Campus of the Middle School, and purchase school buses.

Will this raise my taxes?

NO! Formerly approved bonds would be extended to allow money to continue to come in under a new bond allowing for additional school funding for the next six years. If approved, the bond would begin distribution in 2020 and be released in 3 series.