

August 30th or Sept 2

4:30- 5:30 PM

Audition Information

Anyone wanting a performance role in the musical needs to attend after school auditions.

Auditions will consist of three parts.

The first part, the entire group will learn a small cut of a song from the show. This will give everyone an opportunity to have something to audition with, in the event you would like to be considered for a solo.

The second part, is the individual auditions/ interview. We will talk over the details on your audition sheet and you will have the opportunity to show us anything you have prepared.

The third part, it the dance portion. We will all learn a group dance and you will preform it in groups. This portion is time permitting.

Click here to view or print audition form or pick one up by room 601!

Follow link to view the songs included in our production of All Together Now!

Theatre Audience Etiquette

  • No talking, unless audience participation is requested by the performers.

  • Noises off. Turn off cell phones, audible watches, and any other sound-making gadgets before any performance.

  • Lights out. Don't forget, the screen on your mobile device can be a distraction too.

  • Snap, crackle, pop. No rattling of candy boxes or ice in cups, shaking popcorn containers, or slurping drinks.

  • Control coughing. Muffle coughs and sneezes with a handkerchief. Cough drops and mints may be helpful, but leave if you can't stop the attack.

  • Avoid other sounds that can disturb the people around you and the performers. Munching noisily, smacking or cracking gum, rattling the pages of programs, tapping feet or drumming fingers, humming or singing along, rummaging in purses—these are just a few of the things that can annoy those around you.

  • Don't take flash photos or shoot video during live performances. The point is to do nothing that will distract the performers or disturb others in the audience.

  • Dispose of trash, including chewed gum, in waste containers.