Check in, Check out

JLMS CICO Information

CICO Greeters & Closers: Kipp & Anderson (+ backups)

Rolling window: 4 minors within 28 days

List will be in NTK and/or sent to staff

Each teacher will complete check out at the end of the class period; teacher is responsible for initiating

Students receive 2, 1, or 0 (most of the time students will receive 2 or 1)

FAQ's/Other info

- It is the teacher's responsibility to check the student in or out. Students should not be marked "down" for not checking in or out, as it is not their responsibility.

- What should I do if I forget to have the student check out? Please fill out the form anyway and note in the comments that you did not meet with the student. If you can find the student later in the day that would be great... if not, be sure to check in and out the next day.

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Some teachers have asked what qualifies for a 2, 1, or 0 for CICO. Zeros are reserved for the most serious of circumstances. Here's an example from the band room.

1. Respectful: If Johnnie is playing his trumpet while I am talking to the group, and continues to do sporadically so after a reminder, he would receive a 1. If Johnnie plays his trumpet the entire time I talk, he would receive a 0.

2. Responsible: If Susie forgets to bring her trumpet to class, she would receive a 1. If Susie forgets to come to class, she would receive a 0.

3. Safe: If Matthew is running around the band room in between songs, he would receive a 1. If he is running around the band room, jumping over chairs, and throwing instruments at me, he receives a 0.

Please remember to put in comments if you give a student a 1 or a 0. This allows the greeter/closer to talk about specific behavior with students.

Morning Greeter

(watch 0:15-1:00)

Class Check-in and Check-out

(watch 1:17-4:00)

Afternoon Closers

(watch 4:34-end)