
Welcome to First Grade!

Mrs. Sims

Galena Park Elementary School

Office Phone Number:

832 - 386 - 1670

School Day 7:35am - 3:15pm

7:35am (Tardy Bell)

3:15pm (Dismissal Bell)

Dear parents,

 I'm excited to be in my 7th year of teaching with your child. Together, with support, your child will soar to new heights. 

All classwork is based on the GPISD curriculum and TEA mandates. 

Homework consists of studying spelling words and nightly reading with someone at home to build reading fluency and comprehension. 

Grades consist of weekly assessments (spelling tests, phonics, and reading comprehension quizzes), and independent work students have mastered.

 For more classroom information and events visit our ClassDojo.