Curriculum Vitae

About me

Graduated in Mathematical Sciences (Statistics and Operations Research) from the University of Valencia (1994), and Doctor in Mathematics (Statistics and Operations Research) from the University of Valencia (2002). At present I hold the position of University Professor in the area of ​​Statistics and Operations Research in the Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Informatics at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

Research activities

Doctoral Dissertations Directed

  1. Barber, X. (2009). Geostatistical models for the study of bioclimatic index. Miguel Hernández University.

Research Projects

  1. Development of new resources and bioproducts based on residues of palm species aimed at carbon sequestration and mitigation strategies (2014 -2017). Ministerio de Economía, Industría y Competitividad.

  2. We all do Science and Technology (2016). Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia.

  3. Implementation of modules for objective and subjective Bayesian analysis, optimized for intensive computing with parallel programming (2011). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

  4. 2ND Outdoor training on Bussiness Intelligence (2009). Consellería de Educación. Generalitat Valenciana.

  5. Development in a windows environment of an integrated computational tool for Bayesian statistical analysis with or without prior information (2007 - 2008). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia. Generalitat Valenciana.

  6. Knowledge management for strategic planning in the company (2007 - 2008). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia. Generalitat Valenciana.

  7. Study of intra-specific variations in vital features of Testudo Graeca Graeca in the southeast Iberian for the design of population monitoring programs (2004 - 2007). Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.

  8. Edaphic factors related to the availability of heavy metals: implications for the correct management of the application of sludge (2005 - 2007). Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.

  9. Bayesian analysis, selection and validation of space and time models in epidemiology and the environment (2004-2007). Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.

  10. Spectroscopy in the near infrared (NIR) for the study of Mediterranean soils. Application on soils affected by forest fires (2005 - 2006). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia. Generalitat Valenciana.

  11. Design, implementation, selection and criticism of hierarchical Bayesian models in pharmaceutical research (2001 - 2004). Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.

Consulting Experience

  1. Contract for technical assistance from the statistical and decision-making field in the organization and planning of the Master's Degree in Secondary Prevention in Ischemic Heart Disease (2019 - 2021). Fundación Casa del Corazón.

  2. Contract to carry out technical assistance, from the statistical and decision-making field, in the organization and planning of the Master's Degree in Advances in Cardiology (2018 - 2021). Fundación Casa del Corazón.

  3. Support contract in the organization and planning of the Master's Degree in Diagnostic Imaging in Cardiology from the statistical field (2018 - 2021). Fundación Casa del Corazón.

  4. Contract of support and advice in the design, organization and planning of activities of the Casa del Corazón Foundation (2013 - 2017). Fundación Casa del Corazón.

  5. Model-based approach to estimation and forecast: update, consolidation and improvement of the Agromet model (2009 - 2011). European Commission.

  6. Análisis estadístico de la persistencia de los insecticidas y de los datos de extensión d ela plaga del picudo rojo (2006 - 2007). Ayuntamiento de Elche.

  7. Asesoramiento y asustencia técnica en el área de estadítica e investigación operativa (2006 - 2007). Mutualidad de Levante ESPF.

  8. Collaboration agreement on advice on R+D+I in the Valencian Community (2006). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia. Generalitat Valenciana.

  9. Analysis and design of artificial grass for golf courses (2006). Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia. Generalitat Valenciana.

  10. Estimation and projection of the consumption of channeled natural gas in Catalonia (2000 - 2001). Mercados de la Energía SA.

  11. Study-diagnosis of the impact of the routes of the informative study of the high-speed line Madrid-Castilla la Mancha-Valencian Community-Region of Murcia (2000). Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Alicante.

Teaching activities

Bachelor Degree at Miguel Hernández University

  1. Introduction to Statistics. Public and Private Security. Courses: 2018-2019 to .....

  2. Statistical Models. Biotechnology. Courses: 2017-2018 to .....

  3. Statistics. Journalism. Courses: 2010-2011 to 2017-2018.

  4. Introduction to Econometrics. Business Administration. Courses: 2008-2009 to 2009-2010.

  5. Statistics. Business Administration. Courses: 2007-2008 to 2009-2010.

  6. Statistical Techniques in Journalism. Journalism. Course: 2007-2008.

  7. Social Research Techniques. Business Administration. Course: 2007-2008.

  8. Social Research Techniques. Journalism. Course: 2006-2007.

  9. Linear Models. Statistics. Courses: 2004-2005 to 2006-2007.

  10. Data Analysis in Environmental Sciences. Statistical Sciences. Courses: 2003-2004 to 2011-2012.

  11. Tools for Data Minnig. Statistics. Courses: 2002-2003 to 2003-2004.

  12. Applied Mathematics. Pharmacy. Courses: 2002-2003 to 2003-2004.

  13. Introduction to Econometrics. Business AdministrationCourse: 2000-2001.

  14. Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Market Research. Courses: 1999-2000 to 2001-2002.

  15. Demography. Anthropology. Courses: 1999-2000 to 2001-2002.

  16. Advanced Multivariate Analysis. Statistical Sciences. Courses: 1998-1999 to 2002-2003.

  17. Design of Experiments. Statistical Sciences. Course: 1998-1999.

  18. Statistical Techniques in Market Analysis. Statistics. Course: 1997-1998.

  19. Analysis of data. Statistics. Courses: 1997-1998 to 1998-1999.

  20. Market Analysis Techniques. Market Research. Course: 1997-1998.

Master Degree at Miguel Hernández University

  1. Quantitative methods for decision making. Master's degree in Advanced Accounting and Finance. Courses: 2020-2021 to ...

  2. Statistics in Experimental and Clinical Research. Master's degree in Translational Neuropsychopharmacology. Courses: 2014-2015 to ......

  3. Design and Execution of Experimental Procedures with Animals. Master's degree in Translational Neuropsychopharmacology. Courses: 2014-2015 to ......

  4. Practicum I and II. University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary, Baccalaureate, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Courses 2011-2012 to 2019 - 2020

  5. Information and Communication Technologies in Secondary Education. University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary, Baccalaureate, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Courses 2011-2012 to 2019 - 2020

  6. Design of Experiments and Data Analysis. University Master's degree in research in management, treatment and valuation of organic waste. Courses: 2009-2010 to 2019 - 2020.

PhD Courses

  1. Bioestadística Aplicada. Programa de doctorado en anatomía quirúrgica y aplicativa. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Cursos: 2004-2005 a 2008-2009.

Master Dissertations Directed

  1. Gálvez-Sola, L.N. (2011). Estimación de parámetros relacionados con la calidad del compost mediante espectroscopia en el infrarrojo cercano (NIRS). Master thesis. Miguel Hernández University.

BS Dissertations Directed

Other Courses

  1. Communication. Pedagogical and Didactic Training Course for Technical Vocational Training teachers. University of Valencia. Year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

  2. Tutoring and Orientation. Pedagogical and Didactic Training Course for Technical Vocational Training teachers. University of Valencia. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

  3. Student development. Pedagogical and Didactic Training Course for Technical Vocational Training teachers. University of Valencia. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

  4. Sample size, Animal Welfare Expert Course. Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Sciences. 2015, 2016, 2017.

  5. Online learning monitoring. Expert Course on Technological Innovation in Education. Miguel Hernández University of Elche. 2014, 2015, 2016.

  6. The design of the teaching guide: an example in experimental sciences. University Teacher Training Program. Miguel Hernández University of Elche. 2008, 2009.

  7. Hierarchical Bayesian spatial models. UMH Summer School in Statistics and Optimization. Miguel Hernández University of Elche. 2007.

  8. Get the most out of your data using all the information available. University Teacher Training Program. Miguel Hernández University of Elche. 2006.

  9. Bayesian Statistics. Master in Biostatistics. Santiago de Compostela University. 2006.

Teaching Innovation Projects

  1. Desarrollo de un entorno estadístico para el uso de la hoja de cálculo Excel en la docencia de las asignaturas de estadística como alternativa al software comercial. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. 2008.

  2. Estudia Administración y Dirección de Empresas en el Parque Industrial de Elche. Conselleria de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana. 2007.

  3. Proyecto piloto de mentoría de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Conselleria de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana. 2007.