Future Devil Information

Grade 8 Open House

Thanks for attending our Open House on January 11th, 2024

Pease Take a Look at our GRADE 9 Course Calendar for information about course selection, Junior Programming and French Immersion.  

Out of Area Applications are due February 1, 2024 @12:00pm.  Please scroll down to see how to register.

WCI - Grade 9 Course Calendar 

TVDSB Transition Guide 

If you have any questions about WCI please connect with out Guidance Team Mrs. Trepanier at m.trepanier@tvdsb.ca or Mrs. Cook at stephanie.cook-covemaeker@tvdsb.ca

follow us on social media


Woodstock Collegiate Institute


required Courses

Courses everyone has to take in grade 9


MTH1W1 destreamed

French Immersion MTH1WX


CGC1W1 destreamed

French Immersion CGC1WX


SNC1W1 destreamed

French Immersion SNC1WX 


 ENL1W1 destreamed


Students can choose from: FSF1D  Single Pathway/Academic

French Immersion FSF1DX

 FSF1O1 (newcomers, multilingual learners or less than 600 hours of French instruction)

addditional courses


To earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

Students will need the following Required Courses in Grade 9 or 10

Grade 9 or 10 – Technology Course

Grade 9 or 10 – Art Course (Drama, Music, Visual Art)

Grade 9 or 10 - Health and Physical Education

Grade 9 and 10 Additional courses are fluid, meaning you do not need to have a Grade 9 pre-requisite in order to take a Grade 10 Additional course.  When planning courses for Grade 9 and 10, please review your options and plan accordingly.

Health and Physical Education

PPL1OC, PPL2OC or PAF2OF (female identified students)

PPL 10/20 This is an open course that focuses on healthy active living.

PAF2OF This course focuses on the development of a healthy active lifestyle and participation in a variety of fitness training activities.

*You need 1health and physical education credit to graduate

Family Studies

HFN1O1 and HIF2O1 

HFN1O: This course focuses on making nutritious food choices and food preparation skills.

HIF2O: This explores family, peer and personal dynamics and allows students to develop practical skills.



This course introduces students to the world of business and what is required to be successful, ethical, and responsible in today's economy.

Visual Arts 


Students apply design principles when exploring the creative process

*You need 1 Arts credit to graduate which can include Art, Drama, Musical Theatre, Instrumental Music, Strings and Guitar

Dramatic Arts ADA1O/ADA2O

Music Theatre AMT1O/AMT2O

ADA1O: Students explore dramatic forms and techniques and work in groups to communicate through their dramatic works.

AMT1O: Students will experience and create music theatre productions through the roles of actor, singer, producer, designer, technician and audience. AUDITION REQUIRED


AMI1OInstrumentalAMS1O Strings AMG2OGuitar

Students will learn to perform on one instrument and present their pieces in a variety of creative ways. No experience required.

Technology & The Skilled Trades






*You need 1Grade 9 or 10 Techology credit to graduate

Spanish Level 1


This course provides  opportunities for students to begin to develop and apply skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.

Learning Strategies GLE1O/GLS1O

For students with an IEP. If you have specific questions about IEPs please contact Ms. Latendresse at j.latendresse@tvdsb.ca

Course calendar & Course selection guide

Click on the documents below for full course descriptions and course selection tips!

*All information within the course selection document on the right is provided in an accessible and translatable format at www.tvdsb.ca/HighSchool 


How to register

Steps to Register from a TVDSB School:

New Student to TVDSB Steps to Register:

Email the following to m.trepanier@tvdsb.ca by February 6th, 2024 if you are in the WCI boundary  or February 1st, 2024 (at NOON)  if outside of the WCI boundary (check out The School Locator Tool if you are unsure if you are in- area or not)

specialist high skills major~shsm

Meet the Student Success Team

If you have questions about Registration, please contact our Head of Guidance, Mrs. Trepanier m.trepanier@tvdsb.ca 

Overview of roles: 

Guidance Counsellors are available for social-emotional support, pathway/career/life planning, school support, and referrals to more specialized supports as needed. 

The Student Success Teacher provides academic support for students in risk of not achieving credits through meetings, individual credit support and credit recovery. 

The Learning Support Teacher is available for IEP support/updates, learning strategies, pathway planning for students with IEPs and classroom support. 

Guidance Secretary can help with busing, school cash and parent portal questions. She also inputs community service hours and is happy to answer any student questions!

French Immersion

French immersion FAQs

Student FAQS

high school here i come!

Get a head start on Grade 9 with two days of tips, hints and skills!

High School Here I Come! is a non-credit summer program for Grade 8 students who are starting at a TVDSB high school in September 2024. Students will be provided with a variety of learning skills and strategies designed to help them with their transition to secondary school.

Topics that will be discussed:

Registration will open in the spring. Subscribe to their site for updates: